The Boston Dynamics SpotMini robot. (Photo: Boston Dynamics)

Boston Dynamics has seduced the Internet in recent years with its impressive robots. Depending on your affinity for movies like "Terminator", they were also terrified.

Today, the company's latest YouTube video is there to make you smile. Here is "UpTown Spot".

Featuring the four-legged robot of the company SpotMini, the animatronic dog can be seen approaching "Uptown Funk" by Bruno Mars. And the robot has some movements, in two stages, twerk and even pulling the "Running Man".

The video contrasts with the company's YouTube release last week, in which his two-footed robot Atlas made some awesome terrifying parkour moves to climb a platform. This video currently has more than 4.7 million views and over 17,000 comments, a many who simply deplore the inevitable and next apocalypse of robots.

If the robots will actually take over, at least we now know that they can also go bankrupt.

Follow Eli Blumenthal on Twitter @eliblumenthal

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