The Brainy Bunch – Rolling Stone


A review of this week's work The right place, "The Brainy Bunch", coming soon as my bra is very thin but very pure gold …

"In addition, the Jacksonville Jaguars are good now!" -Judge
"Impossible!" -Michael

Listen, there's a lot going on in The Brainy Bunch, even though it's half as long as last season's premiere. And we should talk about everyone. But first, let's all get up in unison and let go the slowest and slowest applause The right place solved one of his biggest fact-vs.-fiction puzzles.

You may remember that last season, after Michael He realized that he needed human help to thwart Shawn and he invited them to ask him any questions he wanted. JasonThe thoughts, of course, turned to his beloved Blake Bortles, and he asked if the Jaguars won the Super Bowl last year, or would win it one day. (Do not forget that hundreds of years have passed between Jason's passing and this conversation, although the time seems strangely past in the afterlife.)

"Jason," says Michael, "I can not predict the future, but … no."

The problem was that Bortles and the Jaguars were improbably transformed into one of the best teams of the AFC last season. They could have even gone to the Super Bowl if there had not been a quick whistle against Jags defender Myles Jack on a fumble and a touchdown. Mike Schur said that he had a plan on how the series would have treated the Jags by winning a title or just staying good. "The Brainy Bunch" provides us with our answer, as well as an explanation of any other discrepancy between the universe of the series and ours, and most of the weird things that have happened in our reality in recent times years:

Michael did it.

The judge blocks the frequent interferences of Michael on Earth for Brexit, the success of Biggest show on earth, former talk show host Byron Allen buying Weather Channel and more. But what has most shocked and upset Michael, rightly so, is the success of the Jags and the possibility that Bortles himself is good now. Of course, it would confuse and annoy him the most, as he spent centuries in the company of Jason Mendoza hearing about this cursed team and its cursed quarter.

It's a fun workaround at the end of a fun episode, dominated by guest star Adam Scott, who does what he does best – the two things he does best, in fact.

Because it's a Schur show, our thoughts of Scott inevitably turn to his long passage Parks and Recreation like the sweet and exciting nerdy Ben Wyatt. But Scott became known for the first time (and is probably even more recognizable) for playing the unbearable d-bag Derek in Half brothers. His career is more geared towards acting cool guys, but when he's asked to start all over again – just like he did when he played for the first time Trevor in season 1 – he clearly did not lose a step. What makes his long comeback in "The Brainy Bunch" so enjoyable is that it's basically Trevor claiming to be a type of Ben Wyatt, but making it all horrible to run into the band. He brings to each of the lemon bars, texts Eleanor his favorite buffs (*) and love everything about the horrible American themed restaurant, the Cowboy Skyscraper Buffet.

(*) It is unclear exactly when these scenes unfold, but the group died in 2016 and about a year ago happened before Eleanor discovered Chidi. So, with "Damn Daniel," Trevor circulates a meme that was already old at this point – which seems to be exactly the kind of thing the character would play in.

He performs a masterly Cockroach attack work in the most vulnerable places: to convince Chidi that it is unethical to be friends with his research subjects, or to push Jason and Tahani together. (Sometimes, when they connect, everything ends up badly, other times, not at all.) Michael was once good at torturing people, but he lost that gift the more he became human, so Trevor did constantly two steps ahead of him. (He even convinces Michael by shaking his hand.) And with Janet Taken from his own powers on Earth, the good guys seem surpared.

Then the Porter presents itself, and things become very interesting. The judge throws Trevor into an endless abyss (probably so that Scott can make a movie) and is ready to ban Michael and Janet back to Bad Place, where they will both be destroyed painfully and endlessly. However, finding Janet's powers suddenly – as she says, a backlog of printers – creates a physical barrier between the judge and our heroes. And the doorman (his real name: Jeff, or maybe Geoff) was so seduced by the travel mug that Michael pulled him off the ground that he threw at the good guys the one and only Key for the door between here and the afterlife, allowing them to escape punishment for the moment.

This is the last big unexpected twist in a series that makes it a specialty. Michael and Janet are now stuck on Earth too, totally helpless. Are they now mortal too? Will this phase of the story last a very long time – perhaps through shenanigans where someone misplaces Chekhov's key? – or will we be back in the wrong place in the middle of next week's episode? I do not know (I do not look at viewers beyond everyone I'm summarizing this season), but damn it, I can not wait to find out.

What does everyone think?

Previously: Paradise is a place on earth

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