The bride poses in wedding dress to pay tribute to the deceased fiancé


Like many women, Jessica Padgett dreamed of celebrating her wedding all her life, but tragically, an alleged drunk driver stole her the day of her dreams and the man of her dreams.

The 27-year-old volunteer firefighter, Padgett's fiance, Kendall Murphy, was helping a victim of a road accident in southwestern Indiana last November, when another firefighter, who reportedly was under influence, hit him.

"I remember that day as if it were yesterday," said Padgett, 25, the death of his fiancé. A few hours before Murphy's death, the soon-to-be married couple spent their evening "preparing dinner and watching movies" at Murphy's.

After a while, Padgett went to make a dessert she had found on Pinterest for her family's meal. She explained that she had sent an SMS to Murphy when she was returning home. When he answered later to ask how his cooking was going to go, she answered, but Murphy never replied.

Initially, Padgett did not think about anything, since she had just been a few moments before. However, later that night, she received news that would change the rest of her life. "I heard my mother swinging and my father saying," Kendall did not survive. "

Jessica Padgett

Jessica Padgett

Love the photography of life

"It was a nightmare," Padgett told PEOPLE. "I fell off the bed. I was completely numb from head to toe.

Before Murphy's death, Padgett, his mother and future mother-in-law would go shopping. Padgett explains that as soon as she found the dress, she knew that she was perfect so that she could say "yes". After her parents had paid for the dress, she had to be ready in February.

However, when February arrived, Murphy was no longer alive. "What am I going to do with this dress?" Thought Padgett when the dress would be ready for pickup.

Jessica Padgett

Jessica Padgett

Love the photography of life

Shortly after Murphy knelt in 2016, the couple set a date of September 29, 2018.

"I dread that day since his death," Padgett told People. "We had planned the date for almost two years. [It] was supposed to be the best day, but turned out to be the worst day. "

However, she wanted to pay tribute to Murphy's life and their love. So, the day she was supposed to put on her dress and wander down the aisle of her love, Padgett decided to take a photo shoot with their wedding photographer, Mandi Knepp.

On her wedding day, Padgett's sisters and family members helped her keep her busy with an appointment for hair and make-up.

Jessica Padgett

Jessica Padgett

Love the photography of life

Jessica Padgett

Jessica Padgett

Love the photography of life

Upon arrival in Glendale, where Murphy and her had their engagement photos taken, Padgett was greeted by Murphy's best man and his entire marriage, as well as his family and Murphy's. "I just started playing. I was like, "Oh, my word," Padgett said.

Murphy's parents also surprised Padgett with his cowboy boots he wore every day. In addition, a plaque attached to the boots was attached to the plaque: "Whatever path you take, I will always be with you, your guardian angel Kendall."

Padgett also posed with Murphy's firefighter's uniform. After their stop at Glendale, Padgett and his family drove to the Providence Church, where Kendall was buried to take other pictures near his grave.

"I was in a complete mess, emotions were going everywhere," says Padgett. "A lot of tears have flowed."

Jessica Padgett

Jessica Padgett

Love the photography of life

As we approach the anniversary of Murphy's death, Padgett can not help but think that he was "an absolutely extraordinary man."

"He liked to make people smile," says Padgett. "He would do anything for the community."

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Although Padgett does not know exactly what she will do on the anniversary of her death next month, she recently paid tribute to her late fiancé by hosting a 5km event in June.

Half of the proceeds from the event were donated to the volunteer fire department and the other part went to a scholarship under the name Murphy for incoming kindergarten students at Barr-Reeve School, where Murphy spent for his childhood.

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