The British Secretary of Brexit resigns suddenly


Midnight resignation shocked British politics, exposing May to the defeat of the indignant Conservative Party members by what they view as his plan to secure a "mild Brexit" that keeps Britain tied to many rules and regulations of the European Union.

Brexit supporters who claim that May should have a clear and decisive break with Brussels, have spent the weekend complaining that his recently revealed proposals were a timid capitulation, a "Brexit of name only". , "Who ignored" the will of the people "who voted 52-48% in June 2016 to leave the European bloc.

Before his letter of resignation was made public, Davis' allies told the press British that he was resigning could not support the Brexit plan that had been put forward by May at a crucial meeting of the Cabinet of Foreign Minister Checkers, which took place on Friday. at a meeting in May

an active cabinet and firm approval for its plan, to be published this week in a long white paper that would define the British vision of future relations with Europe. 19659009] While the European Union's exit plan of May was not the brief overview that was published shows that it supports a path of compromise with Brussels, keeping the Great Brittany closely aligned with Europe on standards, "a common" The cry The critic, accused by this critic, would chain Britain into a rulesman against a rulemaker

May was to address all conservative parliamentarians at a meeting on Monday night. [19659012Nowsomeconservativesliketothinkthatthefirstministerwouldsoonbeabletofaceavestedtrust

The British political press said that other resignations could

The reaction came very quickly Monday – for those who were awake.

Some Brexit supporters encouraged Davis.

"Fantastic News", tweeted Andrea Jenkyns, a conservative MP. "Bravo David Davis for having the main and the courage to resign I take off my hat We must make sure that this changes the way for #Brexit ."

The legislators of the The opposition, for their part, said it was a big blow for the prime minister.

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Opposition Labor Party, tweeted that the resignation "at such a crucial time" showed that May "has no authority and is unable to deliver Brexit. "

"With her government in chaos if she hangs on, it is clear that she is more interested in hanging out by herself than serving the people of our country," he said. declared.

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