The brothers and sisters of Rep. Gosar approve Dem. opponent David Brill in a new advertising campaign | Arizona News


In an explosive new advertising campaign, an Arizona congressional candidate gets approval from his opponent's siblings.

CD4 candidate David Brill has just published an attack on his opponent, incumbent MP Paul Gosar, a Republican.

It begins as typical political advertising with people expressing their opinions against a candidate.

"Paul Gosar, the congressman, is doing nothing to help rural America," Grace Gosar said in the advertisement.

But as the announcement unfolds, it is revealed that these people are the brothers and sisters of Gosar.

The six say that they can not stand their brother's positions on health, immigration and environmental issues.

"If he really cared about the rural inhabitants of Arizona, I bet he would be fighting for social security, for better access to health care," said Jennifer Gosar in a statement. l & # 39; ads.

Brill says his team contacted the siblings knowing that there was a gap between them and their brother.

"They love America and they love their family and the values ​​of their family, and they feel that our congressman has left both," said Brill.

Brill says that they told their story voluntarily.

"I really have to say that they are brave and principled people," said Brill.

Even support him to replace their brother in the US House of Representatives.

Several of the videos were published online on Friday.

"Well, he had more splashes than expected," said Brill.

Brill says there are more videos coming this weekend, including one where Paul's sister calls him a racist.

"It's their story, on their terms, in their words.They do it for the country.Yes, it's hard for them and you can see it in their faces, you can hear it in their words, but they care about the country, they care about the people in our country, and what their brother's policies do to harm people, "said Brill.

Rep. Gosar has not yet responded to our requests for comment.

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