The brutal injury of Titans TE season Delanie Walker is a huge loss


It's the worst part of the game.

Tennessee tight winger Titans Delanie Walker suffered what appeared to be an end-of-season injury against the Miami Dolphins. Walker's leg had fallen while he was being attacked (you can watch the injury here, but it's a bit graphic) by a dolphin advocate and he was unable to get up.

A cart was immediately released for Walker and a jet of air was placed on his leg. This is usually a sign of potential bone fracture, which was part of his diagnosis:

Walker has been one of the most consistent reception options for Titans in recent years. Since 2014, Walker has rushed for more than 800 yards each season, including a 1,088-yard season in 2015. The loss is a huge blow to a Titan attack that relies on many young players to complete the game.

Walker was not the only offensive player in the Titans to get injured in a 27-20 loss that lasted 7 hours. Quarterback Marcus Mariota was injured twice and offensive tackle Taylor Lewan also left the game with an injury.

It was a tough day for the Titans.

Let's hope that Walker, 34, will be able to continue his career in the future.

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