The cancer of Fatima Ali, the best candidate for chef, has returned: I have one more year to live


In a deadly battle against cancer, ancient Excellent chef competitor Fatima Ali try to savor the last months of his life.

A year ago, the New York City Chief had been diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Despite the doctors stating that she was cancer-free in February, Ali, 29, revealed in a recently-written essay for Good appetite & # 39;s In good health, the cancer is back and he is terminally ill.

"The cancer cells that my doctors thought were missing are back with revenge to the left hip and femur," she wrote. "My oncologist told me that I had a year left to live with or without the new chemotherapy treatment." "I was looking forward to turning 30, I'm flirty and I'm I guess I have to intensify the flirtation, I do not have the time to lose. "

From a distinct and powerful voice, she explained how she intended to spend the remaining months. "I'm desperate to overload my senses over the coming months, make reservations at the best restaurants in the world, contact old lovers and friends, and choke my family, leaving them the time I've been keeping so selfishly before, "she explained.

With a list of things to do that involves eating in reserved restaurants and trying to be forgiven with a list of people, Ali describes a "strange relief" because, as she said, "I can finally live for myself, even if it's just for a few more precious months. "

She remarked poignantly, "When we think we have all the time in the world to live, we forget to engage in life experiences, and when that choice is taken away from us, we strive to feel."

As she concluded with a heartbreaking voice: "I've always been very afraid of being average, and now, I desperately wish to lead a simple life without a story."

(E! And Bravo are both part of the NBCUniversal family.)

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