The Capital Gazette suspect blocked the entry and then began to "hunt and kill," according to a manager


Then he began to "systematically hunt and kill" people with a rifle that he was hiding while he was entering the building in downtown Annapolis, the prosecutor said Friday. from Anne Arundel County State, Wes Adams. Fischman, 61 years old; Rob Hiaasen, 59; John McNamara, 56 years old; Rebecca Smith, 34; and Wendi Winters, 65 years old. Two other employees were injured during the shooting and were released from the hospital.

Ramos reportedly used a 12-gauge shotgun and carried smoke grenades during the attack.

His motive remains unclear because he did not cooperate with the investigators, but Anne Arundel's County Police Chief, Timothy Altomare, described it as a "targeted attack".

He fired at people who were trying to escape

The first explosions arrived by the front door, sending employees rushing to the back door. Ramos shot at at least one victim who was trying to escape through the barricaded door, Adams said.

He was going up and down the newsroom, continually shooting people, police reporter Phil Davis said

  These are the victims of the filming of the Capital Gazette's newsroom
"It's N & # There's nothing more terrifying than hearing several people being shot while you're under your desk and hearing the shooter " Davis tweeted

When the police arrived, they found Ramos hiding under a desk. He was charged with five counts of first degree murder, according to court records. "We are heartbroken, we are devastated, our colleagues and friends are gone, even though our loss is nothing compared to the sorrow felt by our friends' families," said Rick Hutzell, editor-in-chief of Capital. in the front page of the newspaper Friday

The Friday newspaper's opinion page remained almost blank with a brief message: "Today, we are speechless.This page is intentionally left blank today. To commemorate the victims of the Thursday shootings at Bureau. " He listed the names of the five victims.

History of Hostility Against the Paper

For years, the suspect had expressed his hostility to the newspaper in a lawsuit and in social media.

Court documents show that Ramos filed a defamation complaint. 2012 against the newspaper and a journalist on an article that detailed his guilty plea in a case of harassment.
  The suspect was firing years of vendetta against employees

Title "Jarrod wants to be your friend", The story written by writer Eric Hartley details how Ramos repeatedly contacted a former high school classmate via Facebook, according to court documents.

The case was finally dismissed.

Brennan McCarthy, a woman's lawyer in the harassment case, said that Ramos took information that she shared with him with confidence "and used it to destroy her life."

A letter to the woman's employer, saying that she was a bipolar drunkard, which led to her dismissal, said the lawyer.

  The suspect Jarrod Ramos sued the newspaper for defamation in 2012.

"C & # It was malevolent, I do not know what it was, but he did everything to destroy his life, "said McCarthy.

Ramos published veiled threats on social media and also focused on McCarthy. [19659002"C'estunhommequitraquaitréellementl'avocatdelavictimedeharcèlement"adéclaréMcCarthy[19659024]. A Twitter account with the name of Ramos and the pseudonym @EricHartleyFrnd would be owned by Ramos, said a police source.

On Friday, the account was suspended

Years of threatening online commentary

Altomare said his department had investigated threatening online comments that Ramos allegedly made against the newspaper . in 2013.

That same year, At a call between a detective and the newspaper's legal team, the Capital Gazette decided not to prosecute because of fears that the situation did not occur. aggravates, said Altomare.

An agent of Anne Arundel wrote that he did not believe Ramos was a threat to the newspaper's employees.

The police officer stated that the suspect's interactions with the newspaper only related to Twitter and the court proceedings.

The threatening tweets and diatribes included "the mention of blood in the water, the hell of the journalist, the hired man (and) the season," wrote the author. officer.

Tom Marquardt, former editor and publisher of the Capital Gazette, told CNN on Friday that he was disappointed that charges had not been filed.

"All I saw was a threat to my life and a threat to the people who worked for me," said Marquardt. "They felt however, in their professional opinion, that the evidence was not there."

Marquardt said the newspaper staff had a picture of Ramos with instructions that if anyone who looked like him came through the door, they should

Ramos gave no specific warning that He was going to attack the newspaper, according to the authorities.

Suspect sent back from work

In 2014, Ramos was fired from his job as a support specialist at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington, according to court documents .

Ramos went on to say that he still owed her money and wrote in a letter that he had been informed of no misconduct and that he did not receive any explanation about his dismissal.

His employer says that the federal government demanded that he be fired. aptitude problems resulting from an investigation. The company said it was unaware of the nature of the investigation.

Investigators said they found evidence at the Ramos apartment & # 39; Laurel, about 30 minutes drive from Annapolis.

They refused to provide details, other than to say that the results show "what we knew we were going to find, is that we have a villain. "

Jason Hanna, David Shortell, Madison Park, and Betsy Klein contributed to this report.

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