The cartoon industry reacts to Bill Maher who dissolves Stan Lee and comics


Television personality Bill Maher wrote an editorial on his blog against the comic book industry following the death of former Marvel Comics editor Stan Lee. Maher dropped lines such as "I do not think it's an exaggerated choice to suggest that Donald Trump could only be elected in a country that believes comics are important," with mocking fans crying the loss of the beloved cartoon creator.

"But twenty years ago, something happened: adults decided not to give up kids' stuff," said Maher. "And so they claimed that comics were actually sophisticated literature, and because there are more than 4,500 colleges in America, we need more teachers than smart people – some idiots have become professors by writing theses with titles like Otherness and heterodoxy at Silver Surfer. "

Naturally, many people in the comic industry used social media to share their response to Maher's message.

Keep scrolling to see the response of various comic creators.

Drag 1 of 5Let's put the right on the line.

Drag 3 of 5They can not be stopped with a punch in the snoot, or a zap of a ray gun.

Drag 4 of 5The only way to destroy them is to expose them –

Drag 5 of 5– to reveal them for the insidious ills that they really are.

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