The case of Blackpool monkeypox confirmed as second in the UK


Liverpool University Hospital


The patient was transferred to the Tropical and Infectious Diseases Unit of Liverpool University Hospital.

A second case of monkeypox was identified in the United Kingdom, just days after the discovery of the first.

The patient was tested positive at Blackpool Victoria Hospital and had recently traveled to Nigeria, where he reportedly contracted the disease, according to Public Health England.

They were transferred to Liverpool University Hospital for treatment.

The first British case was diagnosed in Cornwall in a patient who had also spent time in Nigeria.

The rare viral infection does not spread easily between humans and most people recover in a few weeks.

PHE said that there was no connection between patients in the UK.

Dr. Mike Beadsworth, clinical director of the Tropical and Infectious Diseases Unit at Liverpool University Hospital, said that there was no risk to other staff members, patients or visitors.

"The patient is cared for by our specialized infectious and tropical diseases unit, by a highly qualified staff and experienced in the treatment of various infectious diseases."

What is monkeypox?

  • Monkeypox is usually a self-limiting illness and most people recover within a few weeks. However, serious illness may occur in some patients.
  • It is a rare disease caused by the monkeypox virus and which has been reported mainly in the countries of Central and West Africa.
  • It can spread when a person is in close contact with an infected person, but the risk of transmission to the general population is very low.
  • Initial symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills and exhaustion
  • A rash can develop, often starting on the face, then spreading to other parts of the body. The rash evolves and goes through different stages before forming a crust that then falls

Source: Public Health England

Dr. Nick Phin, deputy director of the National Infections Department of PHE, said that there was a sustained outbreak of monkeypox in Nigeria in September 2017 and that sporadic cases continue to be reported.

"It is likely that monkeypox continues to circulate in Nigeria and could affect travelers returning from this part of the world, but it is very unusual to see two cases in a relatively short period of time," he said. declared.

He added that PHE contacted people who might have come in contact with the last patient.

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