The cause of the space station hole will be determined


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The head of the US space agency said he was certain that the cause would be determined by a mysterious hole appeared on the International Space Station, which his Russian counterpart said was deliberately drilled.

NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine also said Tuesday that the collaboration with Russia's Roscosmos remains important, despite recent comments from head of the agency, Dmitry Rogozin, that Russia is not going to be able to do anything. would not accept a "supporting role" in a NASA-led project to build a post near the Moon.

The hole in a Russian Soyuz capsule moored to the ISS caused a brief loss of atmospheric pressure in August before being repaired.

Bridenstine met Rogozin in Moscow on Tuesday and both attend the Thursday launch of a spare capsule at the space station.

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Roscosmos and NASA leaders discuss a mysterious leak in space

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