The CDC attributes the epidemic of MDR Campylobacter to the exposure of puppies in pet stores


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released additional information on an epidemic of Campylobacter jejuni related to puppies purchased in pet stores.

The outbreak, which began in January 2016, affected a total of 118 people in 18 states through February 4, including 29 employees in pet stores, 26 hospitalizations and no deaths reported. In an article of the day Weekly report on morbidity and mortalityCDC researchers claim that epidemiological, laboratory and trace evidence indicates that petland puppy puppies and five other pet store chains have been at the root of the outbreak. They also warn against the potential of new cases.

"Although the investigation is over, the risk of seeing Campylobacter transmission to employees and consumers continues, "they write.

Strong evidence of dog to human transmission

Campylobacter The infection is one of the most common causes of diarrheal diseases in the United States, affecting about 1.3 million people each year. More Campylobacter infections are caused by the consumption of raw or undercooked poultry, but infections associated with dogs, although infrequent, have been reported. People can be infected by contact with the excrement of a sick dog.

The survey conducted by the CDC and local and state health and agriculture departments revealed strong evidence linking this epidemic to dogs. In total, 105 of the 106 infected persons reported being exposed to dogs, of which 101 had been in contact with a puppy from a pet store. Ninety-two of these patients reported having purchased or been in contact with a puppy at a Petland pet shop, while eight patients reported contact with puppies in five other pet store chains. Investigators say this indicates that dogs were probably infected before reaching the stores.

The link between human cases and puppy exposure was confirmed by sequencing the entire genome Campylobacter isolates patients and puppies. The results revealed that three different groups of isolates from humans and puppies were genetically closely related, suggesting a probable transmission of dogs to humans.

Antibiotic susceptibility testing in 18 isolates (10 humans and 8 puppies) showed resistance to azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, erythromycin, nalidixic acid, Campylobacter infections

To better understand why Campylobacter the infections were drug-resistant, investigators visited 20 pet stores in four states (Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) and collected antibiotic records for 154 puppies. Of the 149 puppies with available information, 142 had received one or more antibiotic treatments before they arrived or when they arrived at the store. In particular, 78 received prophylactic antibiotics (to prevent the disease) and 54 received antibiotics for prevention and treatment. Four antibiotics – metronidazole, sulfadimethoxine, doxycycline and azithromycin – accounted for 81% of the antibiotics administered.

Information collected for 8 puppies belonging to infected patients and 20 puppies with faecal specimens positive for C jejuni The dogs found 25 breeders and eight distributors – companies that buy dogs from breeders and then sell them to pet stores. But no breeder, distributor or third-party transport company has been identified as a source of infection.

Need for antibiotic management in pets

The researchers say the findings suggest that pet shops and clinicians should consider the potential for transmission of Campylobacter in dogs and dogs to humans. To reduce this potential, the CDC shared educational materials with hand hygiene pet stores, separating areas of human consumption from animal areas and using gloves to clean the cages. In addition, the article advises clinicians to test the sensitivity to antibiotics in humans. Campylobacter infections

But given the widespread use of antibiotics in pet puppies, investigators say it is also necessary to apply antibiotic management principles in the commercial dog industry and to improve practices. hygiene and breeding.

"Antibiotics should only be administered under veterinary supervision with a valid veterinary-client-patient relationship, in line with existing management principles," they write.

Scott Weese, DMV, veterinarian and microbiologist who studies bacterial infections in humans and animals at the University of Guelph in Ontario, described the results as "disappointing but not surprising," explaining that the unnecessary use of antibiotic mismanagement and inadequate infection control measures.

"Mass rearing, long distance travel and mixing in pet stores create many opportunities for infection, and too little is done to try to mitigate them," said Weese in a statement. email. "Yet a large percentage of these infections are viral or are management diseases (eg diarrhea due to stress or diet), and antibiotics are not needed.

"If you compare antibiotic treatment rates to those of small breeders, it is clear that this type of management and marketing is not good for the use of antibiotics, dog health and, as one see it here, for human health. "

Although the focus in recent years has been on improving the management of antibiotics in livestock, there is growing recognition of the need to promote the judicious use of important antibiotics in dogs, cats and dogs. In a document released last week, the US Food and Drug Administration stated that one of its goals over the next five years would be to develop and implement a strategy to promote the management of pets. .

"The development of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria can affect the ability to effectively treat bacterial infectious diseases in pets and increase the potential for transfer of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria from pets to humans through direct or indirect contact," writes the FDA.

See also:

Sept. 21 CDC MMWR investigation

30 Jan Stewardship / Resistance Analysis of CIDRAP News

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