The CDC observes the epidemic of adenovirus that killed a student at the University of Maryland


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By Maggie Fox

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Wednesday their participation in an investigation into an adenovirus outbreak that killed a student at the University of Maryland and made at least five others sick.

Olivia Paregol, 18, died on November 18, according to an obituary. She was a freshman at the university and died of respiratory symptoms typical of the virus, said her father, Ian Paregol, to local TV stations and the Baltimore Sun.

At least one of the people affected by the outbreak was infected with adenovirus 7, a strain that can cause life-threatening pneumonia, the Maryland Department of Health said in a statement sent to NBC News. This is the same strain of adenovirus that killed 11 patients in a long-term care facility in New Jersey.

The CDC said it was testing other samples of patients. Neither the CDC nor the Maryland Department of Health said if it was the adenovirus 7 that had killed Paregol.

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