The challenge of space applications is launched in Rocket City


HUNTSVILLE, Alaska – NASA's international space applications challenge took flight Friday in Rocket City.

The event attracts brilliant minds from more than 200 cities and 80 different countries. It's the biggest hackathon in the world. According to the event website last year, it attracted about 25,000 participants from six different countries.

The competition is focused on software development where codifiers, scientists, designers, technologists and many others come together to meet the challenges of the world and space.

Many organizers believe that competition also changes the career and personal lives of many competitors.

"I like watching team members communicate with each other about their ideas. It's really wonderful, "said Sarah Hemmings, Earth Science Policy Analyst.

Huntsville was chosen as this year's "control mission" because of its reputation as a center for innovation and technology.

The hackathon lasts all weekend and registrations are always open. If you are interested, click here.


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