The Chancellor of Maryland in conversation with President Wallace D. Loh, Damon Evans AD, DJ Coach Durkin


The President of the University of Maryland, Wallace D. Loh, must have a phone call with Maryland System University Chancellor Robert L. Caret on Monday at 9:45, according to two knowledgeable sources.

Caret also needs to meet with Maryland Sports Director Damon Evans between 10:30 am and 11:30 am, followed by a call to DJ Durkin, Maryland coach, on paid administrative leave since the month of April. August.

The USM board of directors can make recommendations, but the only person that he can actually fire is Loh. The board hired him and, according to Loh's employment contract, "your service as president is at the discretion of the Board of Regents".

A different source close to the situation told ESPN that if the council were to dismiss the three university officials, "this would be unprecedented".

"In higher education in the United States, as well as in Maryland, it would be unprecedented for a school board to break into any of the constituent campuses and say that we do not have to go to school. We do not like so-and-so, "the source told ESPN Sunday night. . "We will fire that person or hire him. The problem is that if they can do it to Damon Evans today, they can do it to a faculty member they do not like tomorrow. This goes against all good practices. It has never been done in 30 years of history of the Council of Regents, if they try to do it tomorrow or Tuesday, it will be very controversial and not only in the world of sport. The problem is that no one really thinks of going to work on a campus but thinks the board will start recruiting and firing staff members in this way. It's crazy. I will have no trouble finding experts from higher education throughout the country to tell you how bad it is. "

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