The Chinese army clashed with a British warship in the South China Sea


Chinese Navy
The guided missile destroyer Harbin from China, on the left, and the 956EM destroyer of the DDG-139 class Ningbo Sovremenny, on the right.

Following the US Navy, a British warship recently challenged China's claims on the South China Sea, causing a confrontation with the Chinese army and causing outrage in Beijing, reported Wednesday the Reuters agency.

The warship HMS Albion, an amphibious assault ship carrying a contingent of Royal Marines from the UK and one of three Royal Navy surface ships deployed this year, was confronted with the navy Chinese – a frigate and two Chinese helicopters. The territories occupied by China in the Paracel Islands in late August, reported Reuters.

The Chinese navy has asked the British ship to leave the area and the situation has not escalated yet, according to the report.

"HMS Albion exercised its rights to freedom of navigation in full compliance with international law and international standards," a spokesman for the Royal Navy told Reuters.

Beijing sharply criticized Thursday the actions of London, qualifying the recent incident of provocation.

"The relevant actions of the British ship violated Chinese law and applicable international law and undermined the sovereignty of China," the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement to Reuters. "China strongly opposes it and has presented severe representations to the British side to express its deep dissatisfaction".

"China urges the British side to put an immediate end to these acts of provocation so as not to undermine the broader picture of bilateral relations and regional peace and stability," the ministry said. "China will continue to take all necessary measures to defend its sovereignty and security."

The US military regularly conducts "freedom of navigation" operations in the South China Sea, often sending warships and bombers to disputed territories in the region. And Washington lobbied its allies and international partners to push back Chinese efforts to dominate the strategic waterway.

London seems to respond to Washington's call, and Beijing could be particularly upset because it might encourage others to do the same.

Last week, the US Navy and the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force conducted joint military exercises in the South China Sea, staging a show of force with aircraft carriers and other weapons systems in the garden. Chinese.

Gavin Williamson, the British defense secretary, said on June 3, a day after US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis accused China of intimidation and coercion in the South China Sea. "stronger signals" on the importance of freedom of navigation.

"We believe that countries must abide by the rules," said Williamson, clearly referring to China.

The increased pressure from the United States and Great Britain has not curbed China's ambitions in the waterway, thanks to which billions of dollars of commercial transactions are made each year.

Over the past year, China has significantly increased its military presence in the region by deploying jamming technology, anti-ship cruise missiles and surface-to-air missiles at its outposts in the South China Sea. Chinese bombers have also become much more active in the region.

The Chinese army, arguing that it defends Chinese territory, regularly threatens foreign ships and planes that come too close, and clashes are not uncommon. The US Navy and other points-of-orientation countries say their operations have not been affected by China's threats and warnings.

The Chinese Ministry of National Defense said on Thursday that it will continue to send ships and planes to confront countries outside the region that "continue to send warships into the South China Sea to cause troubles ".

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