The Church of Indianapolis "restrains" Jesus, Mary and Joseph to protest the policy of separation of children


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An Indianapolis church protested President Donald Trump's child separation policy by "holding back" the statues of the child Jesus, Mary and Joseph in a closed and chained cage on their "The statement with the Holy Family says as much about our policy as any statement," said Canon Lee Curtis of Christ Church Cathedral, who had the idea, at NBC News. "We want an end to family detention, families, all families, all families are holy, and we hope and pray that families seeking a better life for their children will have that opportunity."

Exhibition rose at 10pm. Monday and Curtis said that they do not know how long they will stay.

The pastor and rector of Christ Church, Reverend Stephen Carlsen, said the exhibition is a direct response to Trump's zero tolerance policy, separating the migrants "I know what the Bible said" , said Carlsen at the Indy Star. "We are supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves."

Reverends are not the first religious members to denounce politics. Reverend Ron Verblaauw, pastor of Rutherford Congregational Church in New Jersey, told NBC New York: "Separating children from families is the first sign that we are no longer the land of the free and the most courageous homeland. We are scared. "

For Curtis, the president's policy, which has separated more than 2,000 children from their parents, is against everything they preach in their parish."

"A number of our faithful are at the cathedral.First or second generation immigrants and this situation is not abstract to them and it is not abstract for us", has -he says. "It's something we preach and teach, and we partner with other groups in the state to see meaningful reform for detention and deportation." We walked and supported people by ICE deportation proceedings before too. "

Trump signed an executive order stopping policy on June 20.

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