The CIA finds that the Saudi Crown Prince ordered the killing of Jamal Khashoggi


According to CIA reports, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has reportedly ordered the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, according to a US official familiar with the information.

The manager declined to characterize the level of confidence of the ICA evaluation. A US official told CBS News on Friday that US intelligence services had "great confidence" in his assessment that bin Salman had ordered the assassination – an assessment based on an understanding of how Saudi Arabia works. Arabia.

Neither officer indicated that there was evidence of a direct link between bin Salman and the killing – including the day of the incident.

The CIA's assessment of the death of Khashoggi, who was writing for the Washington Post, was first reported by the media on Friday, including the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the US. Associated Press. According to sources cited in the publications, the evaluation of the CIA appears to be largely based on the control exercised by bin Salman. In other words, the murder could not have been committed without the knowledge of bin Salman, often referred to by his initials, MBS.

MBS denied any involvement in the killing of Khashoggi.

The CIA refused to comment. US intelligence officials told CBS News that the intelligence services thought the killing was premeditated.

President Trump told reporters Saturday morning that he had not yet been informed of the assessment and that he would address the CIA later on Saturday.

Khashoggi, a prominent critic of the US-based Crown Prince, was killed on October 2 after entering the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul. In the first two weeks after his disappearance, Saudi officials denied having been informed, while Turkish officials said anonymously he had been murdered inside the consulate by a 15-member successful team. On October 19, the Saudi government acknowledged for the first time that Khashoggi had been murdered.

But he described the incident as underhanded and denied any involvement of MBS. A formal assessment that MBS allegedly ordered the killing would have significant consequences for relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia.

On Thursday, the United States announced sanctions against 17 Saudis involved in Khashoggi's death. MBS was not among them, nor was the former Deputy Chief of Intelligence Ahmad al-Assiri, who has been identified by the highest prosecutor of Saudi Arabia as the highest Saudi official behind the murder of Khashoggi.

President Trump has resisted the accusation of the death of Khashoggi by the MBS. He mentioned the importance of the Saudis in the fight against Iran's influence in the region, as well as in future military sales by subcontractors of the American defense.

On Saturday, President Trump described Saudi Arabia as a "spectacular partner," citing the kingdom's contribution to US jobs and the US economy.

So far, the Saudi government has indicted 11 people for the death of Khashoggi and 21 in total are in detention. The Saudi supreme prosecutor recommends the death penalty for five of the suspects.

CBS News correspondent Holly Williams reported on Thursday that the Saudi prosecutor had acknowledged for the first time in the kingdom that Khashoggi's body had been dismembered after his assassination in the consulate. This is what the Turkish authorities say for weeks.

According to the Washington Post, the CIA's testimony also included a phone call between Khashoggi and bin Salman's brother and US ambassador Khalid bin Salman, who had suggested Khashoggi to visit Turkey. Khalid Bin Salman denied the allegation, claiming that his last communication with Khashoggi had taken place nearly a year ago.

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