The city of makeshift tents houses hundreds of migrant teenagers


In a makeshift tent city in Texas for migrant teens, a reporter saw drawings on the walls of youth dormitories, including one that said, "100% Hondurans, have traveled 10,000 km to reach the United States."

The tent city near the American border with Mexico is less than 3,000 kilometers from Honduras, or about 1,700 miles. But for the 326 young migrants who remain alone in the school without their parents, this may seem even further.

An ABC News reporter visiting Tornillo, Texas on Monday saw two teenagers who appeared to be 13 or 14 years old sobbing on the phone, perhaps during a family call in Central America or in South America. South America.

Each of the children in the tent town receives two phone calls of 10 minutes a week, one official said.

Most of the hundreds of young migrants in the establishment are unaccompanied minors who came to the United States without adults.

But about two dozen are recent arrivals who have been separated from family members after crossing the US border. Three of these youths were returned to their family members on Monday.

Young people live in tents that have already been used to harbor hurricane survivors, officials said. There are 20 tents meticulously erected in two rows, the majority of them housing boys. Only two tents are assigned to girls, who have their own bathrooms and dining room.

ABC News was one of many other outlets allowed to visit the town of Tornillo on Monday.

The youths of the tent city live in sterile dormitories with about 10 bunk beds per room, each equipped with white sheets and blue blankets. And yet, on some of the bed frames are splashes of color from torn sheets of coloring books.

Everything from recreational activities like football on green rectangular fields to bedtime or shower is planned.

A recreational football game seemed to offer some distraction for teens, some even smiling. Just a few meters away were warning signs to be wary of rattlesnakes.

Photos and videos filmed and broadcast by the US Department of Health and Human Services show that youth in the institution are receiving hand-crafted Latin cuisine. The gloved hands of a cook are seen chewing pieces of meat and onions and making skewers on a metal tray.

Some of the empty beds that were photographed and made available to the public have discarded a deck of cards or pencils with an Avengers coloring book. A bed had a rejected Bible translated into Spanish resting against her pillow.

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