The coaching rankings of Week 12 of the Top 25 unveiled


Three weeks away from the regular season, including a conference league weekend, the college football playoff race is taking shape.

In the absence of a single Top 10 victim of an unexpected shock Saturday, this week's coaching poll only proposes minor changes in terms of elite team movement. Alabama's No. 1 No. 1 ranked ahead after a 24-point victory over the Mississippi State, followed by Clemson, one of the remaining four unbeaten players, many of whom believe it will be their main opponent later this year. season.

Kentucky's unexpected loss to Tennessee, the loss of Fresno State to Boise State and Boston College's 20-point loss to Clemson sent the teams down, while a few others advanced before the 12th week of college football.

Here is an overview of the full coaching survey of Week 12 of Sunday:

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