The Colorado mascot is accidentally shot with a t-shirt gun


Hi, this video of the Colorado mascot in Buffalo shooting himself with a t-shirt cannon has brought me to tears for over five minutes and I think you all need to look at this:

Two big points to remember – the poor Chip the Buffalo – the official name of the Colorado mascot (not Ralphie, the real buffalo living in the Colorado games) that strikes directly under the belt with a t-shirt gun. These things can throw very high shirts, so I guess it must have hurt a lot.

In fact, Chip had to leave the field on Saturday after the Colorado game against New Hampshire:

The good news, however, is that Chip – or at least somebody else in Chip the mascot costume, perhaps – came out during the game away.

But let's break this video frame by frame, because I think it's necessary to do it.

I do not know how he is holding the barrel, but that does not seem right:

At the moment everything is going badly, and simultaneously the person in the mascot costume (probably) thinks "oh no, I've royally messed up."

Quiet hilarious part – the guy filming Chip's reaction to what he's just seen first-hand:

And finally, this hand of judgment in the last picture of this video is everything.

Stay strong, whoever you are, man in smart suit. I hope you will be ready to leave next week.

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