The construction of large wind farms and solar farms in the Sahara could help Green The Desert, according to a study


A photo of a desert. A new study has found that installing wind turbines and solar panels in the Sahara Desert could provide energy to the world and turn drylands into fertile soil. The renewable energy farm could increase rainfall in the landscape. ( Jörg Peter | pixabay )

The future of the Sahara Desert, one of the most inhospitable places on the planet, could it exchange sand for lush vegetation?

A new study has found a solution that can improve the weather in the region: the installation of wind turbines and solar panels.

Wind farms and solar farms in the Sahara

Li and his team have chosen the Sahara because it is the largest desert in the world and is sensitive to changes of terrain. The location of the desert in Africa and the proximity of Europe and the Middle East – all of which have high energy requirements – make it the reference model for the study.

The wind and solar farms that will be installed in the desert in the study will cover more than 9 million square kilometers. It would produce about 3 terawatts (wind) and 79 terawatts (solar energy), respectively, sufficient to cover global energy demand.

"In 2017, the global energy demand was only 18 terawatts, which obviously represents a lot more energy than is currently required worldwide," said Yan Li, postdoctoral researcher and author principal of the study.

The energy generated by potential Saharan wind and solar power could therefore help to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels.

Sahara more green

The presence of wind turbines and solar panels in the area could however alter the local climate, but researchers believe that it will be for the good. On a large scale, they found that wind and solar facilities could lead to increased precipitation and increased vegetation in the arid landscape.

"The increase in rainfall and vegetation, combined with clean electricity through solar and wind energy, could help agriculture, economic development and social well-being in the Sahara, Sahel, the Middle East and other neighboring regions, "said Safa Motesharrei. also co-author of the study.

The Sahara Desert, the neighboring Sahel and the Middle East are among the driest regions on the planet where population and poverty continue to grow. The increase in rainfall and vegetation could provide food and water to local communities.

North Africa and the Middle East have already established plans for large scale renewable energy projects. Saudi Arabia has invested $ 200 billion in the installation of solar energy in the kingdom, which is expected to generate up to 200 gigawatts of electricity. The country's leaders have already announced a partnership with the Softbank venture capital fund to complete the project by 2030.

The study written by Li and Motesharrei was published in Science Magazine September 7th.

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