The cook report moves 9 races from the House to Dems on the eve of the election


Cook's non-partisan political report moved 9 House races to Democrats in a new forecast released Monday, the eve of the mid-term elections.

Cook moved a race, an open seat in Washington where Rep. Dave ReichertDavid (Dave) George ReichertOn Election Day: A Guide for Spectators Hourly How Trump's Tax Law Was Passed: GOP Adds Sweeteners (D) Retires, Democrat leaned from top to bottom.

He moved two more skinny Republican races to launch. The first is in Pennsylvania, where the representative of House Freedom Caucus. Scott PerryScott Gordon PerryThe Morning's Morning Report – Presented by PhRMA – What Does the Increasing Approval of Trump's Job Mean for Mid-Term Exams? Cook's policy report moves 4 GOP seats to "handpicked" category: conservative group pledges € 0.5 million for 12 parliamentary candidates (R) faces a tough fight of reelection. The second is the sixth district of Georgia, where Karen HandelKaren Christine HandelBloomberg quietly spends millions on TV commercials. Countdown to the elections: two weeks mid-term | Hollywood donors flood Dems with money | Trump camp to spend more than halfway M | Biden joins the Florida Dems | What to watch in the debate over the Georgian government Poll: Handel leads the Dem challenger with 4 points in the Georgia House PLUS race, which won an expensive special election race in 2017, is in a difficult race. The district was formerly occupied by former President Newt Gingrich (R).

Another race for which the Democrats are already favored, a seat now occupied by the outgoing representative. Darrell IssaDarrell Edward IssaElection Countdown: Latest overview of the most important fundraising activities. Dem edge | Cook moves Menendez race to the top | Animated debate in the Missouri Senate | O 'Rourke fights to win Latino voters | Bloomberg spends a lot on candidates Dem | DNC Talks 2020 Debates Bloomberg Slowly Spends Millions on TV Ads Countdown to Elections: Candidate Confrontation in Flaming Debate on Florida Government | Trump is fighting for mid-term health care Vulnerable Republicans follow Trump on immigration | To remember the only debate of the Senate of New Jersey | Dallas Morning News Approves O 'Rourke MORE, was moved from penchant to probably democrat.

In five other races staggered by Cook, the GOP is still favored to win. But the discrepancy shows that the races are closer than expected and indicates the large number of seats that the GOP is obliged to defend.

Three races – in the 6 th and 10 th districts of Texas Congress and in 2 nd West Virginia – going from a solid Republican to a likely Republican. Two other races – the 25th and 6th districts of Florida – have gone from a likely Republican to Republican leaning.

The only race that has tipped in favor of Republicans was Arizona's 1st congressional district, where incumbent representative Tom O Halleran (D-Ariz) faces Republican challenger Wendy Rogers. This race has been moved from a likely democrat to a leaning democrat.

The move is the latest indication that Democrats have the upper hand on the House before Tuesday's mid-session, as Democrats must win 23 seats to regain control of the lower house.

Cook's previous ratings were released on October 30th.

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