The cost of ovarian cancer prevention


Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with Lynch syndrome, an inherited cancer disease that dramatically increases my chances of developing cancer at an early stage.

Georgia Hurst is an advocate for Lynch Syndrome patients. She has the MLH1 mutation and, fortunately, she has never had cancer. She is co-creator of #GenCSM (Genetic Cancer Social Media) on Twitter and her advocacy work has allowed her to write for medical journals, various websites and genetic testing companies, and collaborate as a part taking part in the National Academy. of Science: Collaboration in Genomics and Population Health. His loves include: his son, his dog, books, photographs, long walks in the woods and looking for mushrooms after the rain. Its motto is: "There is enough misery in the world – there is no need to contribute to it".

Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with Lynch syndrome, an inherited cancer disease that dramatically increases my chances of developing cancer at an early stage. I've discussed the implications of my particular mutation with a certified genetic counselor and a host of doctors.

My medical professionals have focused on laser cancer prevention and strongly recommend prophylactic surgeries. One of the cancers at risk was ovarian cancer and, unfortunately, it is still difficult to detect and diagnose the disease. Due to my experience with family members deceased from Lynch Syndrome-related cancers, I have undergone radical prophylactic measures.

Women whose ovaries are removed, especially before natural menopause, may be very sensitive to a number of other health problems. The earlier your ovary is removed, before natural menopause, the more difficult your transition to life without ovaries will be. What many people do not recognize, is that the ovaries of a woman's body are responsible for many functions other than reproduction. They help our other body parts and systems work together. Once they are removed, chaos can ensue in the body and adjusting to a new normal can be difficult and time consuming.

Women who have removed their ovaries are oophorectomized. I believe that the phrase "surgical menopause" is misleading because menopause is usually the natural and progressive process when a woman stops ovulating for more than twelve months. According to the North American Menopause Society, it is an end to its reproductive cycle and occurs naturally around the age of 51 in the United States. There is nothing natural or gradual about having your ovaries removed by surgery – its immediate effects are abrupt and unattractive.

As an advocate for people with Lynch syndrome, I know many women who have tried to reduce their risk of developing cancer by having their ovaries removed, but who have been open to other serious health problems for which they were not prepared.

Two years ago, a Mayo Clinic research team conducted research on women who had undergone oophorectomy and concluded that women younger than 46 who had removed both ovaries had a significantly elevated risk of osteoporosis. multiple chronic conditions: depression, hyperlipidemia, cardiac arrhythmias, arthritis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, osteoporosis, parkinsonism, dementia, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, and accelerated aging. "

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may help some patients, but it's hard not to wonder if the benefits of a risk-reducing oophorectomy are often overshadowed by serious and long-term health problems. Some researchers at the Mayo Clinic have gone so far to find unethical elimination of the ovaries, for those who did not have an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Fortunately, I was placed on HRT. Estrogen is essential to the overall well-being of women and can help with lethargy, depression, vaginal dryness and a number of other long-term, charming and negative side effects that can result from having sex with men. # 39; ovariectomy.

Cancer prevention has a huge emotional, physical and financial cost. Such a diagnosis can be profoundly devastating and difficult to reconcile.

I acted because I was led to believe that knowledge is a power and because I saw a loved one die of a cancer related Lynch syndrome. I went through all of this to prevent cancer. I've removed perfectly healthy and functional body parts to protect myself while eventually opening up a host of other serious long-term health issues. Is it worth it? I would like to believe that this is the case, and I would hate to think that it was all for nothing. Some cancer patients believe that they should be grateful because I know my cancer risks and I am able to take preventative measures. Forgive me, but I can not help but wonder if the quality of life is better than the quantity. Women at increased risk of developing ovarian cancer are really stuck between the rock and the anvil. I believe that health professionals are well-intentioned but often fail the long-term domino effects of prophylactic surgeries, but the elimination of reproductive organs to reduce the risk of cancer has a huge cost in the long run.

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