The coupling between two magnetic elements can be extremely asymmetrical, a study demonstrates


Scientists demonstrate that coupling between two magnetic elements can be rendered extremely asymmetrical

Jordi Prat-Camps with the model of his experience. Copyright of the University of Sussex image.

Challenging the long-standing principles of magnetic coupling, new research has shown that it is possible to create an extremely asymmetric coupling between two magnetic elements.

The study was led by Dr. Jordi Prat-Camps of the University of Sussex and also included other researchers from the University of Innsbruck and the Austrian Academy. Sciences.

Dr. Prat-Camps says his team made a diode device for magnetic fields.

In their previous research, the team tried to discover new methods to control and manipulate magnetic fields using metamaterials. After much work, they found new tools to control magnetism, including wormholes, magnetic concentrators, and magnetic undetectable layers.

In the new study, researchers have tried to find a way to break the reciprocity of magnetic fields. The principle of magnetostatic reciprocity has remained unchallenged for years and, according to this principle, the magnetostatic interaction is symmetrical (reciprocal).

For their experiments, the researchers used a linear, isotropic electroconductive material moving at a constant speed. They analytically solved Maxwell's equations and found that it was indeed possible to bypass the principle of magnetostatic reciprocity and realize a diode for magnetic fields.

The results also showed that the coupling between two magnetic elements could be asymmetrical to the maximum. In other words, the coupling of a magnetic element A to another magnetic element B would not be exactly zero but from B at A it would be just zero.

The principles of magnetic coupling come from four Maxwell equations derived from the 19th century.

To demonstrate their theoretical results, the researchers designed an experimental device consisting of two coils located near a mobile driver, which confirmed their results.

The team hopes their discoveries could lead to the design of new devices offering more efficient charging of batteries in cars, laptops and mobile phones.

The symmetrical coupling in the coils causes the flow of a portion of the energy in the opposite direction, which reduces the efficiency of the transfer to a certain extent. A magnetic diode will prevent this flow of energy in the opposite direction, thus greatly improving the efficiency of the transfer.

"If our result for magnetic fields would have a millionth of the same impact as developments in electrical diodes, it would be an extremely impressive success." said Dr. Prat-Camps.

"Through our discovery, we believe that it would be possible to improve the performance of wireless energy transfer technologies to improve the efficiency of the charging of phones, laptops and even cars, "he added.

The results of the study are published in a journal Letters of physical examination.

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