The creator of "Game of Thrones", George RR Martin Pens, pays tribute to Stan Lee


Game of thrones Author George RR Martin on Monday signed a nostalgic farewell to the creator of Marvel Comics, after Lee's death at the age of 95 on Monday.

The letter, titled "Farewell to a Wonder", recalls Martin's many encounters with Lee in a dozen San Diego Comic-Cons and recounts the author's first words to have been printed in a letter to Lee and his collaborator Jack Kirby in the 1963 pages. The four fantastics # 20.

"Oh, yes, I've met Stan a dozen times, at various Comic-Cons San Diego over the years. Whenever I did it, it was as if I met him for the first time; he never remembered our previous meetings, and I do not think he had any idea who I am, "writes Martin.

"It does not matter. He has always been kind and generous to me, as he has been with all the fanboys who surrounded him at his expense. And when I was in Stan's presence, that's what I was: a fanboy, a bit stung in the language and more than a little impressed.

I owe a lot to Stan Lee. In a sense, he was my first publisher, my first publisher. "Dear Stan and Jack." These are my first words to be printed. In the column of letters of THE FOUR FANTASTIC # 20, as it happens. My first published loc, a comment on FF No. 17, compared Stan to … ah … Shakespeare. A little exaggerated, you say? Well, ok. I was thirteen years old … And yet, and yet … The comparison, when you think about it, is not entirely unfounded. There were plays before Shakespeare, but Bard's work revolutionized the theater, leaving it profoundly different from what it had been before. And Stan Lee did the same thing for comics. I have been reading comics since my childhood, but by the end of the 1950s I was starting to move away from them. I was buying fewer and fewer "fun books" (as we called them at the time) and more [science fiction] and fancy paperbacks. The comics of DC that dominated the shelves had become so tired and lean that they no longer held my interest as they had when I was younger. I was "too" comical.

Martin remembers his passing to 1962 The four fantastics No. 4, the first silver-age appearance of the classic comic book superhero Namor the Sub-Mariner, which sparked his interest "like nothing has been for years" .

"A little later, Spider-Man has arrived. And then the rest, one by one, in a surprisingly short amount of time. Hulk. Thor. Iron Man. Ant-Man (and the wonderful wasp). The X-Men. The Avengers. Wonder Man (deceased in the same issue as it was introduced). Black Panther. The Inhumans. Galactus and the surfer money, "Martin writes.

"And the bad guys … Dr. Doom, Dr. Octopus, Vulture, Sandman, Mysterio, Loki … and so on. (We will not talk about Paste-Pot Pete.This is a tribute). "

Martin praises Lee for his personalities and his "quirks, flaws, moods" rooted in the superheroes and supervillains of the colorful comics that revolutionized comics in the modern era.

The characters grew and changed, and Marvel's heroes were exposed to real stakes and dangers that the static superheroes like Superman of DC Comics were unmoved.

"You had to be there to understand how revolutionary this was. Comics as we know them today would not exist, except for Stan Lee. They might not exist at all, if the truth is said, "he writes.

"No, of course, he did not do it alone. The genius of Marvel's artists, especially Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, should never be understated. They were also part of Marvel. But Lee was in the center of everything.

Martin remembers his friendship with science fiction author Howard Waldrop ignites his letter published in the pages of Marvel's first family and his first writings in texts – prose superhero stories – doing his best to "write like Stan Lee".

The author reports influences such as the Lord of the Rings J. R. R. Tolkien and H. P. Lovecraft, famous author of horror novels, before recognizing the importance of Lee's first works.

"But I think the greatest influences are the first influences. At first, there was only Stan Lee, "Martin writes.

"The cartoon has had a lot of great writers in the half century since the beginning of the wonder age. Neil Gaiman, Len Wein, Alan Moore and more and more … the list goes on and on. But without Stan Lee and the worlds, characters, and style he created, their own careers and achievements would have been very different, if not impossible. "

Signing his address for his childhood in New Jersey, Martin writes:

"Dear Stan, you did a good job. As long as people still read comics and believe in their heroes, you will remember your characters. Thank you so much. Give me mine!

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