The creator of Thanos, Jim Starlin, specifies that more of his characters will appear in "Avengers 4".


Jim Starlin's work has already played a very important role in Marvel's film universe, but it seems that this might not manifest the way the fans thought Avengers 4.

Starlin recently spoke of recent reports, which suggested that another of his Marvel characters would make an appearance in Avengers 4. In a Facebook post, which you can check below, the creator of Thanos, Drax and Gamora clarified that his previous comments were only a joke, which was then taken out of context.

The rumor around this started at the end of last month, after a panel that Starlin did in Puerto Rico Comic Con. Since then, fans have drawn a series of different conclusions about the character, from Kronos, Mistress of Death to Eternals.

While there is always a chance that another character created by Starlin could take into account Avengers 4it seems fans should not assume it at this point.

Judging by the comments of those involved in the film, it almost seems like the public should not assume anything except that they will be caught in a unique journey.

"I do not think there are comics correlating with that," said co-director Joe Russo in an exclusive interview with "I think we're in pretty cool territory with Avengers 4. If anything, I think it's interesting to go back and look at some of Marvel's films and see them from a different angle. But I can not think of particular comics that would be valuable. "

"If you were shocked by[[[[War in the infinite]I think the second is even more shocking, for other reasons, "Chris Hemsworth, who will resume his role as Thor, added earlier this month." That's what made me bluff the first time I read both scripts. how they managed to orchestrate so many different characters, but giving them each their own plans and moments, and that they are high and that they feel fresh and unique, not just like a messy and messy assembly of those guys.

"The second, I'm probably even more excited," continued Hemsworth. "Just for people to see, I just think it's still a step. Whenever we seem to take with these movies, I liked the fact that there was some growth and evolution and continues to surprise people rather than flatter them – which was obviously always a fear – that they are either short of ideas or that they are running out Creative excitement … For me, this whole experience has been amazing, especially the last one.

What do you think of Starlin's comments regarding Avengers 4? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Avengers: the war to infinity is in theaters now. It will be followed by Ant-Man and the wasp July 6, 2018, Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, the fourth Avengers film on May 3, 2019, the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming July 5, 2019, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in 2020.

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