The Cyclospora parasite infects dozens in Texas


A parasite has infected and nibbled more than 50 Texas residents since May, while health authorities are trying to determine a common source of infections.

The Texas Department of Health is studying 56 cases of Cyclospora disease. in a press release on Monday.

Cyclospora is a microscopic parasite that causes the intestinal disease Cyclosporiasis, which spreads by consuming food or contaminated water, according to health authorities.

The main symptom is watery diarrhea, which can last as little as a few days or as long as a few months. Additional symptoms could include loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, nausea, vomiting and low fever, said the State Department of Health Services in the release of press

. weeks or months, but the infection is not usually transmitted directly from one person to the other.

Now, local health departments around the state are working with those from other states who are also experiencing an epidemic to try to determine if there is

notice on health did not specify the counties in which the diseases were reported.

Texas has had several outbreaks related to coriander, and 319 cases of cyclosporosis have been reported in the state last year, DSHS said.

Investigations revealed that some diseases among Texas residents in 2013-2015 were related to fresh coriander from Puebla, Mexico.

Past outbreaks throughout the United States have been linked to the consumption of imported fresh produce, including prepackaged fresh salad mixes, raspberries, basil, snow peas and mesclun greens.

DSHS recommends carefully washing all fresh products, although this does not completely eliminate the risk of infection. However, cooking would kill the parasite, said DSHS

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