The danger can still hide in the waters of Florence, even after the storm


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Even after the Florence crossing, hurricane risks will not be jeopardized: persistent floods can pose a potential risk to anyone exposed to them.

"The water will not be safe, both by chemical and biological contamination.After a disaster, we tend to see a lot of skin infections and rashes," said Jeff Schlegelmilch, Deputy Director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness in Columbia. University.

There may also be waterborne diseases, ranging from uncomfortable but relatively harmless gastrointestinal disorders, such as noroviruses, to more rare and more serious bacteria, such as vibrio, a potentially life-threatening microorganism. .

And while North Carolina is sensitive to all the usual threats that recur in the waters left by a major storm, the state is also vulnerable to a unique and uncomfortable set of additional problems.

As the leading producer of hogs, North Carolina is likely to be inundated with nasty pollutants from pig excrement flowing into Florence's waters.

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