The dangers of sharing antibiotics


KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (WATE) – A vast majority of parents admit to keeping unused antibiotics and using them later, or sharing them with other family members.

This is according to a new survey by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Health experts warn that sharing antibiotics is a dangerous practice.

A recent AAP study found that 92% of parents surveyed admitted that they had left antibiotics in the home and that over a third of these parents reported redistributing antibiotics to others, including children and adolescents. adults.

This is not surprising Dr. Heather Radu, an E-R physician at the Children's Hospital, who pointed out some of the dangers of sharing antibiotics.

"It does not surprise me, but it's a dangerous practice for a number of reasons," Radu said. "It's dangerous because the redistribution of antibiotics can promote antibiotic resistance and expose children to dangerous doses, potential allergens and expired medications."

What parents need to know:

  • Antibiotics do not work for everything (Antibiotics fight bacterial infections, but do not work against viruses.)
  • Taking too much can do more harm than good. (Do not expect a prescription for antibiotics every time your child is sick as this could result in resistance … which means that the medication will not work the next time you need it. Bacteria can become drug-resistant over time. That's why it's hard to find effective medications when you're facing a serious infection.
  • Antibiotics are not a unique solution. (Different antibiotics treat different diseases.Antibiotics for a streptococcal infection are different from those you take for a urinary tract infection, for example.One will not work well on the other.The powerful antibiotics can also have some unwanted side effects or those taken for a long time.)
  • Be sure to give the medicine exactly as directed. (It is important to give the correct dosage and complete the complete treatment as prescribed.You can not stop taking antibiotics as soon as you feel better, this could cause the return of the disease.)
  • If your child is not better after a full series of prescribed antibiotics, tell your pediatrician. Your child's infection may be caused by drug-resistant germs and you may need to try another antibiotic.

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