The day John Kelly and Corey Lewandowski sit in front of the oval office


"To my knowledge, there is no chaos in this building," Kelly said in the interview. "We got rid of some bad actors, but everyone works very well together."

In July, Mr. Kelly told his associates that Mr. Trump had asked him to remain in office until 2020, but reports of his conflicts with other staff members kept raising questions. as to its duration. Even Mr. Trump privately told people that he was skeptical that Mr. Kelly is staying that long.

"I think John does this out of loyalty to the country," said Panetta, "and hoping that, in spite of all the difficulties he will have to overcome, he will have some kind of objective."

The president, for his part, showed a certain respect for the men who were prepared to fight physically. Last fall, when Mr. Kelly was recently in office, his willingness to engage angrily in meetings with Lieutenant-General HR McMaster, who was then National Security Advisor, delighted Mr. Kelly. Trump. The president, who did not like General McMaster, happily talked about skirmishes between the two men for weeks, claiming it showed how hard Kelly was, said one familiar with the discussions.

And the Wall Street Journal recently reported that Mr. Kelly had a physical altercation with a Chinese official who was trying to gain access to so-called nuclear football during Trump's trip last year.

But recently, Mr. Kelly no longer enjoyed the public praise of Mr. Trump – "He was a real star of my administration," said the president. said of Mr. Kelly last summer – someone who is often sidelined by a president who thinks he is his best chef de cabinet.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kelly chose to remain in office despite Mr. Trump's keen interest in keeping Mr. Lewandowski in the vicinity.

"I think Trump decided that it was really a bad marriage," said Chris Whipple, author of "The Gatekeepers," a story of White House chiefs of staff, "What's wrong?" 39, he decided to get by. "

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