The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that an influenza pandemic is very possible. Sam Berman of Veuer has complete history.

In the fall of 1918, Knoxville fought for four weeks against the Spanish flu. The contagious disease killed about 132 people and closed schools, churches, theaters and billiard halls for nearly a month.

Doctors first described the disease as "old-fashioned reproach", but this fast, often deadly flu strain was unfamiliar. While it often started with a common cold with headache and joint pain, patients developed fever, hallucinations, and bleeding from the nose, stomach, intestines, and sometimes ears. . They spit blood when their skin turned blue, then black.

People who have survived could develop a persistent "painful cough" that could turn into sometimes deadly pneumonia. During the autopsies, the doctors discovered that people had died with lungs filled with fluid.

Another difference was who became ill. Rather than attacking babies, the elderly and the very weak – as most influenza strains do – it strikes young, previously healthy people in their youth. Most patients were between 21 and 40 years old. In the United States, over 90% of victims were under 65 years of age. In total, the outbreak has reduced the average life expectancy of the United States by 12 years.

The "Spanish flu" was a misnomer, as the flu has taken its toll in many countries. But since the outbreak of influenza during the First World War, they were among the "bad news" of many newspapers in countries – including the United States – repressed. Spain was a neutral party in the First World War, having no strategic need to hide its vulnerabilities. Most of the information on influenza came from transmission services in Spain and therefore associated the country's name with the flu.

In a way, it is the war that brought the pandemic to eastern Tennessee. Soldiers, many of whom arrived here on trains from other parts of the country, trained at the University of Tennessee and at Chilhowee Park. The soldiers who became ill probably spread the disease in their barracks and in the city.

The flu comes to town

"Many soldiers" were so sick, reported the Knoxville Sentinel on October 5, that makeshift hospitals were set up in Chilhowee and in the Reese Hall of UT. Red Cross nurses were called to deal with the unreported number of quarantined soldiers. The army also inoculated his soldiers with a "serum" which, he hoped, would prevent them from getting sick.

Initially, the authorities did not seem too worried. About 350 civilians in a town of about 75,000 people were sick in early October and did not seem very sick.

Dr. WR Cochrane, secretary of the Knoxville Health Council, told reporters that the disease would "probably not worsen if the proper precautions were taken". The doctors warned everyone to stay away from the crowd, to take in enough fresh air and to ventilate the spaces.

But more people have fallen ill. On October 9, three people died. That day, 197 soldiers and 604 civilians were sick. Soon, Knoxville General, the only permanent hospital in the city, would be overwhelmed – not only by patients, but also by the shortage of doctors and nurses, many of whom themselves became ill.

The patients also cluttered the Riverside Hospital, which has 40 beds, operating in an old house and a small black hospital, located at Knoxville College. The inadequacy of hospitals to accommodate seized patients accelerated the construction of the Fort Sanders Hospital in 1920.

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Pandemic Influenza Storybook, an agency project to mark the 90th anniversary of the pandemic in 2008, Robert Lynn Davis explained how his father, a lumberjack named Arthur Duery Davis, had been set to dig graves in the county from Blount.

"There was no time to build coffins, since the bodies were buried as quickly as possible," Davis said. "My father always described funerals as" plantations. "One story in particular, which he has told over and over again, is this:" One morning at 6 am I had to dig three graves for a family. six people who lived down the road from my home. Around 9 am, the doctor sent a message to dig another grave. Then, around noon, I was told to dig another grave, and at four o'clock I was asked to dig the last grave for the whole family. & # 39; "

At the 2008 National Pandemic Influenza Summit, Health and Social Services Secretary Mike Leavitt read in the medical journal of a Tennessee physician:

"The man who dug his neighbor's grave today may be leading the funeral procession next week. We do not know who will be next.

At the end of October, the epidemic decreased. More than 9,500 Knoxvillians have been reported sick; 132 died – almost as much as during the fighting during the war. However, throughout the state, more than twice as many people died of the flu than during the war.

1918 tips to prevent the Spanish flu

  • Stay at home, do not put yourself in the crowd. "The flu is a widespread disease," according to the Knoxville Sentinel story of October 5, 1918.
  • Smother your coughing and sneezing – "the others do not want the germs you throw".
  • Breathe through the nose, not through the mouth.
  • "Remember the three C's – a clean mouth, clean skin and clean clothes."
  • "Try to stay cool when you walk and warm when you ride and sleep."
  • Open windows, especially at home at night.
  • Wash hands before eating.
  • "Do not let digestion waste accumulate – drink a glass or two of water when you get up."
  • "Avoid tight clothes, tight shoes, tight gloves."

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