The death of Ebola in the city of one million incites to fear an urban spread


TIt is feared that the current epidemic of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo will spread after three cases of the disease, including one death, in a city of about one million people.

The mother of an Ebola patient went to Butembo town where she became ill. According to reports, she was admitted to the hospital where isolation procedures were set up but she died later.

According to the latest information from the World Health Organization (WHO), there are two other suspected cases of highly infectious disease in the city, but these cases have not yet been confirmed.

Peter Salama, Deputy Director General of the WHO for Emergency Preparedness and Response, tweeted that the case had been detected quickly and that an answer was in place.

But he added: "Bad [news] East [the case] increases the risk of spreading and having Ebola in an urban center makes the end of the epidemic much more difficult. "

The Ebola outbreak has continued since the beginning of August in the north-east of the country, where a number of militant groups operate and where security is low. As of September 5th, there were 127 cases – of which 96 confirmed in the laboratory – including 87 deaths.

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