The description of the new Avengers 4 trailer is (slightly) more credible


Another Avengers 4 The description of the trailer is surfacing, but these details for the next teaser of the movie Marvel Cinematic Universe seem more credible than the last description that was put online. Marvel Studios celebrated its 10th anniversary of the MCU this year with three new releases. Black Panther was a monumental success, both critical and financial; Avengers: Infinity War opened the beginning of the end of the history of the franchise until now. Last theatrical release this year, Ant and the wasp also provided a solid follow-up. Now, fans are looking forward to 2019, which will see the release of Captain Marvel and Spider-Man: far from home.

However, the most anticipated MCU movie of 2019 is without a doubt Avengers 4, Following War of Infinity that sits on the end in which Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to eliminate half of the life in the universe. Marvel Studios is so secretive about the movie, though, that Avengers 4 not even a title yet, let alone a trailer. Although the Avengers 4 the trailer could come out before the end of 2018, fans are eager to get – or eyes, in this case – on everything related to the film. As such, a Avengers 4 The description of the trailer appeared earlier this week, but it sounded too good to be true. Another rumor indicated Avengers 4 the trailer was being converted to IMAX, but that is not the case yet. Now another description is surfacing, although this one seems a little more believable.

Related: Avengers 4: All rumors, leaks and spoilers

The last Avengers 4 The description of the trailer was posted on Reddit by vfxgurudontmind, who claims to be the person who revealed the second Captain America: Civil War The trailer would include Spider-Man (Tom Holland) and teased specifically "Underoos!" line. Although we can not verify if this is true, readers can find the complete description of the user's Reddit from Avengers 4 trailer below – which, it is said, lasts about two minutes.

The voice of Thanos: "My destiny is not done yet …" The shot of a beaten Tony, as if he was still on Titan, confused. "Greater threats arise to undo the balance. I've lost everything to reach … and I … will not … be defeated. "Shot of Banner and Cap with Vision on a table appear and fade out … Shot of Quills ship lifting Fades Tony: "Fury was right." He talks to someone who is not seen in an ordinary house.This could be Aunt May, he has bright eyes, and the dialogue is talked about on previous screen, not what he says. "He was right since the first day …" Tony: a scene from him in a kind of garage.Before 3 different costumes, they look pretty normal? he who has had a leak, he has the housing in his hands. "I will do everything in my power so that it will never happen again …" Tony at the black screen in SHIELD outfit. is moving towards the camera with soldiers behind him Antman's plane standing in the quantum realm Cups to him surrounded by 3 tardigrades He runs, then stops in front of a por green tail, faded by Scott in street clothes. Gray jeans and a denim jacket.

Scott: "I think … I could have a way to help." I do not know who he is talking to. Or if it's even the real dialogue lol. It does not look like it fits.

Shot of empty throne in Wakanda, various shots of Shuri, M'Baku and Okoye. Black screen

"It was NOT our fight …" Shuri or Okoye could not say it. Screen always black. Shot of Cape, arms crossed, with Rhodey, Rocket and Thor, in a room that still looks like Wakanda.

Cape Town: "We must correct this …"

Banner: "Cap we do not even know where to start … Thanos is gone. He won. "Thor:" Well … then we'd better get to work "

Slowly pulling on the pager that Fury had in the hands of someone. I am almost 100% sure that it is in the hands of Tony. A photo of Rhodey who dresses very briefly, knees to crotch lol, it's not nanotechnology, but it shows more or less how the mask of Starlords materializes with a voiceover of Thor: "Are you ready for that? "

Rocket: "Well … if I'm not …" pause. Black fades into Rocket, the music is silent: "What more could I lose?" Bifrost shot down Thor, War Machine, and Rocket. Various shots. Gauntlet, still damaged, being hit for, a Nebula ball (which looks like the same place Tony was earlier), then a Banner ball. Black screen. Thor: "We need an army to defend us against Thanos …" Thanos plan putting on armor. "Yours is the only one that is big enough to give us a chance …", Thanos's shot wielding a large double-edged sword. "So, I'm asking you …" Various shots of Black Widow, brief shot of Tony's costume, new piece of Caps breast (chainmail !!!) and banner wearing purple tight suit and button in front this one. mirror. Fades to Thor, "Would you like to help us?" Several more varied shots, including a broken combat glove on the ground while someone (clearly Thanos) is moving away … even aesthetically and the same landscape as the one that was reached. (I think he throws the ball on the floor?) "It's been a while since I've been on Earth …" The music gets stronger and stronger as it crescendo at a stroke of the Captain Marvels's chest scrolling to his face. The landscape behind her looks almost like Xandar. Because it can not be the Earth (it would make no sense) but it's a blue sky and clouds in front of a window … Captain Marvel: "Let's go" Plan d & # 39; She is flying towards something angry, she shouts a punch, shining eyes, flames surround her. She knocks, then [Title Card] like the Avengers theme plays.

However, it does not really have anything, it's just an empty screen with the music. Posted in the Stinger theme, Rocket is sitting in a wheelchair and watching some computer screens. He has this white body.

Rhodey: "I've seen a lot of crazy things, but a raccoon that speaks? (Rocket looks at him from his chair) He's definitely superior to all … "Rocket, moving from Rhodey to the computer screen, sarcastically:" Good God if I had a unit * every time I heard a "smiling with a queue" Ha Ha Ha ".

As with any rumor or information that surfaced on Reddit, this Avengers 4 description of the trailer must be taken with a MAJOR grain of salt. However, based on the username of vfxgurudontmind and their previous information (assuming they knew the existence of "Underoos"), it is possible that this description came from a visual effects artist Avengers 4 trailer. This would explain some problems – like some dialogs not matching as mentioned in the article of Reddit, and the lack of a title card. Marvel Studios is incredibly secretive and the Avengers 4 the title is perhaps one of the biggest secrets that they have kept. It is therefore logical that the title card of the first trailer is the last thing added.

In addition, this description is more like a movie trailer from Marvel Studios. Whenever the trailer is released, it is certain that some content that fans can expect from the next movie will be revealed, but not revealed. as well a lot. This description does not reveal much, but gives an idea of ​​the position of the heroes and the fight they face after the events of War of Infinity. That this makes this description more believable is up to each reader, but it certainly makes it more plausible.

Of course, it remains to be seen how close this description is to reality Avengers 4 trailer that is finally released. Vfxgurudontmind concludes his message by declaring that Marvel plans to debut with the trailer Hello America November 21 and 28 or December 12. But, like the rest of their information, it should be taken with a grain of salt. The Reddit user seems to have an internal source or works for an affiliate in Marvel, but as nothing has been officially announced, fans will have to wait to see once the Avengers 4 The trailer debuts.

Next: Is Captain Marvel powerful enough to resist the fall of Thanos?

Source: vfxgurudontmind / Reddit

Key release dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: March 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: Away from Home (2019) release date: Jul 05, 2019

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