The detention hearing is scheduled for the brother of the victim of a fire in a mansion


COLTS NECK, N.J. – The brother of one of four homicide victims, found in a burning New Jersey mansion, must appear in court for setting fire to his own home.

A hearing on Paul Caneiro's detention is scheduled for Wednesday. He is accused of arson.

Monmouth County attorneys said Caneiro had set fire to his home in Ocean Township while his family was inside. All escaped safely. Prosecutors will seek that he be held in detention until his trial.

Caneiro's lawyer said that Caneiro was innocent.

The fire at Caneiro's home occurred a few hours before the fire of his brother Keith's home in the Colts Neck home was reported. Keith Caneiro and his family were found dead. Officials say all were killed before the fire.

Authorities will not say if Paul Caneiro is suspected in the killings.

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