The diocese of Conn. Share the list of priests "credibly accused"


While the diocese of Bridgeport is taking steps to mitigate the consequences of allegations of sexual violence against minors, it has created a website to share diocesan activities for the protection of minors and the information gathered during the day. An investigation. Millions of dollars she has paid to settle 156 requests for abuse since 1953.

"There has been a lot of talk about the crime of sexual abuse of minors and the scandals they engendered, words that are necessary to express our sorrow, anger and confusion. However, the words alone are insufficient. The time has come to act, "said Bishop Frank J. Caggiano in a statement posted on the website.

The website includes a list of accused clergy who served in the diocese of Bridgeport as well as a full financial report of settlement amounts for past claims. The diocese indicates that the website will be updated constantly.

"The diocese of Bridgeport can never fully remedy the suffering of the victims and the sins of the past, but we are committed to bringing healing and reconciliation to all those affected by the crisis and to restoring confidence through many spiritual measures. and administrative described in these pages, "wrote Caggiano.

The diocese of Bridgeport had previously stated that 29 of its priests over the decades had been credibly accused of sexual abuse and that the diocese had settled at least three dozen lawsuits for abuse.

"We will never allow a clergy accused of being sexually abused by a minor to remain in an active ministry in the diocese or any other priestly ministry," the website says.

The diocese stated that it "will immediately remove a clergy or other church worker from the active ministry when investigating an allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor".

Since 1953, the diocese has paid $ 52.5 million to settle 156 complaints of abuse, according to the financial report released Wednesday by the diocese. Most of the abuse was allegedly committed before 1990.

Twelve priests are accused of nearly 88% of the cases, says the report, and the average amount of the transaction was 337,000 dollars.

The diocese said that 92% of the cost of settlements came from the sale of property, insurance and other diocesan co-defendants.

The report goes on to say that the diocese is bound by the Code of Canon Law to provide support to priests and eight "credibly accused" priests who are still alive receive between $ 1,319 and $ 1,466 per month and that the Money comes from past sales of Diocesan Properties. In 2018, it will cost $ 135,460.

Financial assistance to six of these priests will end at the end of the year. An additional priest will receive financial assistance until June 2019 and it remains to be determined how long another will receive help.

Two other "credibly accused priests" now receive a pension and two of the eight priests who are currently receiving financial assistance will become eligible to receive a pension if the diocesan pension ends.

Robert Holzberg, retired judge of the Superior Court, is conducting the investigation into allegations of sexual abuse, which is expected to be completed in the spring.

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