The director of Childish Gambino denies plagiarism accusation on "This is America"


Some listeners accuse Childish Gambino, also known as Donald Glover, of plagiarism over his provocative hit, "This is America". A Reddit user pointed out the similarities between Jase Harley's "This is America" ​​and "American Pharaoh", triggering an online debate.

The tracks have a similar sound and share similar themes in the lyrics.

Glover rapps, "It's America / Do not catch slipping / Look how I live now" / The police are tripping "now, while the Harley's words include: "Ah, I'm young and I'm black in America / They stop, they whip us and jail us / I do not understand what they're jealous / They're crucifying us and nailing us . "

Hartey said in an Instagram post Tuesday that he has never spoken to Glover, his team or other producers. He admitted that he always felt that "This is America" ​​was influenced by his song but he said that he was not worried.

"The sampling is hip-hop culture, and I honestly feel that they have dug in the crates to find inspiration, it's true that this crate was my record, I always got self-sufficient and I have never needed to hunt or copy another man.I let it go and I will continue to take it with a grain of salt, "he added. "I'll let the culture decide Mr. Glover and his career, it's not my responsibility."

Glover's manager, Fam Rothstein, wrote in a tweet now deleted that Glover was working on the song before the release of "American Pharaoh".

"The Internet is not a place of consequences," he said in the tweet. "This song is three years old and we have Pro Tools files to prove it."

On Monday, Harley asked fans not to be distracted from his message shared by Glover.

"I appreciate all the love and support! But PLEASE DO NOT let this controversy dilute the message that I and @childishgambino are trying to convey," he writes. "We are talking about the injustices we have encountered and it has helped to provide a platform for all our voices to be heard. Do not discredit him for that! The focus should be on change in our communities and the construction of equality. me and him and bigger than the music, do not lose the focus. "

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