The dismissal of Rosenstein could complicate the confi



Allies of President Donald Trump urge him not to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

They say this could complicate the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court justice accused of sexual assault, whose accuser is due to testify this week.

"He should not shoot Rosenstein unless you believe Rosenstein lies, he said that he did not do the alleged things," said Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

On Friday, the New York Times reported that Rosenstein had suggested running a wire and recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th amendment, which could remove President Trump from office.

Rosenstein denied the allegations and other people familiar with the 2017 conversations say that Rosenstein was not serious about wearing a wire and that his comment was sarcastic.

People familiar with the conversations say that President Trump has planned to fire Rosenstein.

He complained to some members of his justice department at a rally on Friday.

The Allies warn that Rosenstein's dismissal could complicate the mid-term of 2018 and the confirmation procedures for the presidential candidate besieged by President Brett Kavanaugh.

Christine Blasey Ford accuses Kavanaugh of having sexually assaulted her in the 1980s, an accusation that he firmly denies.

Democratic members of the Judiciary Committee want to hear from Ford. After late discussions, she agreed to testify at a hearing scheduled this week.

"If a Republican senator were to decide that Dr. Ford's claims, his claims were true and that they were serious, it could make a big difference in the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh," said Senator Dick Durbin 'Illinois.

On Sunday night, New Yorker magazine reported that a second woman accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. Deborah Ramirez tells the New Yorker that Kavanaugh is exposed to the university.

Kavanaugh denied the new allegation.

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