The distribution 'The Office & # 39; urges Steve Carell to sign for a reboot during SNL


Ellie Kemper, Ed Helms and Jenna Fischer have all joined the host onstage.

Accommodation Saturday Night Live, actor Steve Carell has spent his soliloquy answering questions about restarting Office of his fellow members of the cast of the popular sitcom at the workplace.

Ellie Kemper was the first surprise appearance. "I need that money," she told Carell about the prospect of a restart. "Let's go get this money, Steve!" When he politely refused, the Kimmy Schmidt unbreakable star replied, "You are a fool!"

Ed Helms, who played Andy Bernard on Office, also tried to advocate for a restart. "You would not have to make all those sad movies," he said. Jenna Fischer, who plays Pam Beesly, asked Carell if he remembered the incredible words Pam had whispered to Carell's Michael Scott before moving away – an iconic scene in the series. Then she said the real whispered words were: "Steve, do not be a dick, do the restart."

Even Carell's wife, Nancy Walls, and their two children appeared at SNL audience to tell him to do the restart. "We think you should probably do the show," Walls said. And when Carell said he did not want to spend more time away from them, she assured him that they did not care before getting up and leaving.

The former Carell co-stars then joined him on stage, and the host teased the viewers saying that he had an official announcement: SNL would be a great show.

Later in the show, in a pre-recorded skit, Carell met with Amazon boss Jeff Bezos to discuss the announcement of the company's new headquarters in Brooklyn and northern Virginia. He has made various moves to President Trump, including announcing a new delivery service called Amazon Caravan and equipping delivery drones with a Trump-esque wolf.

Carell also played the role of a silent father trying to tell his children that he would take them to Disney World without realizing that his wife had left him with a NASA astronaut for a space mission . He also appeared in a musical sketch inspired by Thanksgiving.

Another falsified musical sketch FatThe "Beauty School Dropout" scene, where Carell plays the role of the father of a black teenager as a guardian angel.

The episode ends with a sci-fi skit about a talking version of maize called "kern".

Saturday Night Live

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