Samantha Markle, the half-sister of Meghan Markle who spent most of the year throwing insults at the new Duchess of Sussex, apologized for her behavior on British television on Monday, but blamed in May.

"I apologize and wish things are different," said Markle softly. Jeremy Vine on the channel 5 talk show.

Markle, 53, who lives in Florida and uses a wheelchair because of multiple sclerosis, said that she had arrived Saturday in Britain hoping to meet Meghan, 37, her son. half-sister with whom she shares a father.

"I do not think it's going to happen," she told Vine.

Vine has published several excerpts of the interview on Twitter, citing Samantha Markle as saying that last year's public resentment expressed by Markle's relatives against Meghan, Harry and the royal family could have been avoided if those close were invited to the wedding on May 19th. at Windsor Castle.

Markle told Vine that she had gone to Buckingham Palace on Sunday, but that she had no way of contacting her sister. Meghan does not live in this palace, she and Harry live at Kensington Palace at nearly three kilometers. (And they spend a few weekends on their retirement from countries outside of London.)

When Vine asked her what message she wanted to convey to Meghan, Markle suggested that Meghan was to blame for the "injury" felt by her loved ones, the Markles.

"I would just say that there is so much water under the bridge and that there are so many things that have not been mastered," she said. "I think everyone was hurt not to have been included or invited to the wedding, but I felt that all of this could have been smothered if everyone had been included … hurt feelings would not have snowballed … "

But, she adds, the family still cares about Meghan.

"Believe it or not, that does not mean we love you less, I just think families can be like that when there is confusion and people are hurt," he said. she said. "So, going forward, I'm sorry and wish things could be different."

More: The first 100 days of Harry and Meghan: a royal triumph – with the exception of his dad's problem

Markle has many excuses to present: she and her sister were largely separated even before Meghan's engagement with Harry was announced in November 2017, and relationships did not improve after that. In recent months, she has publicly called Meghan epithets such as "DuchAss", "Cruella de Vil" and "Princess Pushy".

Samantha Markle, half-sister of Duchess Meghan of Sussex, the former Meghan Markle, taken from Fox's special show "Meghan Markle: An American Princess" aired in May 2018. (Photo: FOX)

c & # 39; was a wave of toxic criticism that she spread on Twitter and during multiple appearances on British television, in which she expressed her bitterness about the marriage and her claim that their father, Thomas Markle Sr, had been abused by the Royal family.

His father has also done many critical interviews since the wedding, complaining that he could not talk to Meghan and that the "cult-like" royal family had "avoided" him.

Meghan's father was guest and planned to walk Meghan in the driveway but he canceled at the last minute because he said he was too sick to travel after a sudden cardiac surgery. His decision follows days of indecision after an embarrassing wave about his participation in paparazzi photos staged by himself preparing for the wedding.

Since then, Samantha Markle has assaulted her sister several times for allegedly ignoring her father's health and refusing to talk to her. She defended her behavior by accusing the media.

"(My father) was deliberately ignored," she said Monday. "We were hoping that the private channels would be used, and when they failed, we went in public and attacked the media more."

The Vine interview also included calls from viewers and some of them criticized Markle. An interlocutor told Markle if she was so worried about her father, why is not she with him instead of "coming to your sister's STALK".

"All we have seen is the hatred you have vomited against your sister," said one interlocutor. "If you really loved your sister, I think it should have been done privately, not on social media."

Markle responded that she was a victim of the tabloid media.

"Most of what you read in the tabloids is not true, there was no" smearing "and" snapping ", these are words that tabloids use", a- she declared. "What people do not remember, there have been so many times that I have said in live interviews things that are favorable and that they were not printed."

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