The Duke and Duchess of Sussex said to relax during their tour in New Zealand


TThe Duchess, who is expecting her first child in the spring, received a seat of honor for the Maori tradition ceremony, placed in the front row a few inches from her husband and the other men on each side.

This arrangement is a sign of protection for women, especially pregnant women, at the first meeting between iwi, tribe and new visitors.

Traditionally, the meeting could be a moment of "war" and an opportunity to voice grievances, with Barney Thomas, former leader, explaining, "We have never put our women in this space.

"We want to be inclusive but protective, and we would not want to put our women – especially the Duchess because she expects it – at risk."

Of course, the meeting went off without a hitch, with warm greetings from guests and visitors, a welcome song and, finally, food.

The couple went to Abel Tasman by helicopter, after a 45-minute trek through the spectacular hills, rugged valleys, lush forests and clear blue waters of New Zealand.

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