The Earth began to change pole under the influence of the Sun. In Antarctica, "awakened" a giant rock


Земля начала менять полюса под влиянием Солнца: В Антарктиде «проснулась» гигантская раскалана, Алексей

A huge pile of three London size began to heat up the top layers of the crust. At the same time, because of the missing sunspots, the planet begins to cool, in NASA.

NASA scientists have recently determined the dependence of the sun's behavior on the cold temperature of the Earth. Experts said that our planet could reach extremely low temperatures.

The researchers say that humanity is primarily concerned about sunspots. NASA's Martin Mlynczak research center, Langley, warns that he and his colleagues have noticed a cooling trend.

The Earth has begun to lose heat energy in the atmosphere and, if this trend continues, would soon be a record of the lowest temperature. Such abnormal behavior of the Sun will greatly affect satellites, communications devices and navigation. However, this is not the worst, because at the same time in Antarctica, a "glowing giant rock" has "woken up".

According to scientists, the hot underwater object impresses with its size – a rock three times more powerful in London. Although this experience before, because the hot object is unlikely to melt the Antarctic in the near future. However, the extreme heat in the lower layers of Antarctic water and ice has resulted in a reduction of the ice zone to 100-50 km.

Previously, scientists thought that the Antarctic region had discovered that a burning rock was made up of ancient ice mountains, which had almost no influence on natural processes. According to Dr. Tom Jordan of the British Antarctic Survey, even in the oldest ice and the thickest geological objects, the impact can be enormous.

Found a hot rock a long time ago, but if the temperatures on Earth continue to increase, the object will be an important factor for ice melting.

The most audacious assumptions of the experts say that they say that the Earth has already started on a pole under solar activity. Due to the reduction of black spots, emissions and electromagnetic storms in the Antarctic at the top of the crust, an unusual radioactive material has started to heat up in the mountains and in the water. And what is happening now is just the beginning, because under the eternal ice, you can start heating larger objects, which will undoubtedly damage Antarctica. This will happen even if the Earth will be covered with ice because of the activity.

Земля начала менять полюса под влиянием Солнца: В Антарктиде «проснулась» гигантская раскалана, Алексей

Земля начала менять полюса под влиянием Солнца: В Антарктиде «проснулась» гигантская раскалана, Алексей

Земля начала менять полюса под влиянием Солнца: В Антарктиде «проснулась» гигантская раскалана, Алексей


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