"The Earth is in danger?": Scientists have found in space a jet of plasma flying at the speed of the chain


In the midst of danger, the threat seems more real. The object was formed after the collision of two neural stars in 2017 and is moving very fast since towards our planet.

«Земля в опасности?»: Струю плазмый обнаружили в космосе струю плазмы

It is no secret that space has many dangers that can destroy life on Earth at any time. This and the asteroids that from time to time are close to the planet, and the activity of the sun and even black holes. Recently, he added a mysterious threat Nibiru. Planet X, according to many experts, is expected to collide with Earth in the near future or, even if it never happens, cause a series of disasters because of its seriousness.


«Земля в опасности?»: Струю плазмый обнаружили в космосе струю плазмы

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However, according to scientists, Shodnya presents a more real and visible danger. Recently, astronomers discovered a strange object that was approaching the planet at high speed. During the observations conducted in 2017, the researchers found that, most likely, it was a particle flow from the collision of two neural stars (event GW170817).

At first, the experts decided that he was flying at the speed of the chain! To be more precise, calculations have shown that we are talking about a speed exceeding the speed of light four times. Discovered in space, a plasma jet was identified using modern equipment, namely a very long-range radio interferometer antenna (VLBA) grid with super long bases, composed of 10 radio telescopes. Scientists say the place, from any jet, they found after 75 days, after the collision of the stars.

Astronomers claim that the Earth could be in danger because of the ultra-fast motion of the plasma jet, as it deviates from an imaginary line connecting the neutron star and the Earth, at 20 degrees. At the same time, recent calculations have shown that the speed of movement of the object was initially overestimated. On samomdele, it really moves at high speed near the speed of the chain, but only accounts for 97% of the speed of light.

We wrote earlier that ufologists had predicted the destruction of Saturn. The fate of the planet prejudges the mysterious Nibiru, the researchers said.

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