The Ebola outbreak is now the 3rd largest in Congo with more than 270 cases


Health officials have reported 17 new cases and 10 deaths in the Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo, making it the third-largest epidemic of the virus in the country, according to a report by the Center. Infectious Diseases and Research and Policy Minneapolis University of Minnesota. .

Eleven of the new cases of Ebola have occurred in the city of Beni. The other six occurred in the neighboring town of Butembo. As of October 28, the World Health Organization had confirmed 274 cases of Ebola and 174 deaths related to the epidemic.

Congo has experienced ten Ebola outbreaks, including the current one. This epidemic has now overtaken the 2007 Ebola outbreak in the Luebo region of Congo, which caused 265 cases and 187 deaths.

On 28 October, health workers organized Ebola training for 8,000 young people in Butembo and Benito "to raise awareness among youth who are often at the root of resistance because of lack of knowledge. on the disease and its dangers, "Congo officials said, according to CIDRAP.

As of October 29, 24,142 Congolese had received an Ebola vaccine, including 12,464 in Beni and 1,295 in Butembo.

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