The English city, stunned, tries to understand the new poisonings


The mystery has captured the attention of much of the country. In the days following March 4, when Sergei V. Skripal, a former Russian spy, and his daughter were poisoned, British authorities confidently said that Russia was at fault, but investigators shared little evidence. The poisoning of two other people, apparently by accident, can provide a new data point about the operation of the killer.

A more complete picture appeared Thursday of the two victims, who are in critical condition. Ms. Sturgess lived at the John Baker House, a supported living center that houses people with addictions. Peter Cook, 58, described her as "Dawnie", a maternal figure who drank several bottles of wine a day, but who usually stayed away from hard drugs. Mr Rowley, according to The Salisbury Journal, was imprisoned for possession of heroin in 2015.

M. Harris, a mechanic who also lives at the John Baker House, watched for days the police search the possessions of Mrs. Sturgess. A bin was sealed. Mr. Rowley's apartment was also there. Thus, a beloved waterfront park, known here as "Lizzy Gardens."

"They are looking for something, I do not know what," Harris said.

One of the other residents, 29-year-old Kyesha Guest, thought the same thing. "If Charlie had dipped, and touched it, rummaging through the garbage, then touched Dawn, maybe that's what happened," she ventured. "I do not think they would have picked up something they did not know what it was."

Unexpected poisonings revived the tension between Britain and Russia, which the British blamed for the attack. Russia on Thursday denied any involvement in the poisoning of the couple, as it did in the case of the Skripals, and suggested alternative theories, including one that says the British could have planted the ## 147 ## Nerve agent. Sergei Zheleznyak, deputy speaker of the lower house of parliament, said the British authorities may have concocted the case to defile Russia's image as the country hosted the FIFA Cup football tournament. world.

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