The example of Swetnick did not appear at the Court so the Miami case was dismissed


Julie Swetnick


Julie Swetnick

A Miami-Dade County Court Clerk on Thursday morning told Mr. Heavy that although the complete family violence case files filed in 2001 by Julie's former boyfriend Swetnick have long since been "destroyed", the clerk was able to confirm what was not available online: why the case was rejected. Heavy was informed that the reason for the dismissal was "failure to appear".

Swetnick is the third woman to charge Brett Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court candidate, with sexual misconduct. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee that Kavanaugh, along with his close friend Mark Judge, both very drunk, tried to rape Ford in 1982 while they were high school students. Blasey Ford testified under oath that Kavanaugh and Judge pushed her into a room in a Maryland home, Kavanugh climbed on her, groped and squeaked her body against hers then when she screamed, covered her mouth with his hand tried to remove a swimsuit one piece from his body. The judge was in the room. The music played loudly. The two boys were laughing, she said – the memory she will never forget. The judge jumped twice on the bed, the second time all three on the floor and she escaped.

Deborah Ramirez, a classmate at Yale, said that Kavanaugh had exposed his penis and trusted him near his face.

Swetncik signed an affidavit that Kavanaugh and Judge were part of a group of teenagers who, in the early 1980s, perpetrated gang rapes of drug addicts with grain alcohol and Quaaludes. She does not say that Kavanaugh raped her but that she was present.

On Wednesday, after Swetnick came forward, it was reported that she was the respondent in a case in Miami, Florida. According to documents online, on March 1, 2001, Richard Vinneccy went to the North Miami Dade Court to seek an injunction against Swetnick, described as an application for an injunction. Florida law requires a hearing within 14 days of a complaint being filed.

The case had to go before a judge within two weeks. Several things happened: a court date was set and an affidavit of inability to pay court costs was filed. The date of the hearing was set for March 13th. The court clerk, who spoke, said that the dismissal took place three days later because Vinneccy did not appear at the hearing.

In a Politico report, Vinneccy reportedly stated that Swetnick "threatened him after their breakup and even after his marriage to his current wife and that he had a child". He reportedly stated that he "had broken up with her, that she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to hurt my baby at that time."

The clerk of the Miami-Dade North Court stated that there was no way to confirm the details of the initial complaint filed by the appellant Vinneccy, as the paper records were "destroyed".

READ NEXT: Allegations of Julie Swetnick

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