The family of a man who killed a policeman in South Salt Lake makes a moving letter to his family


SOUTH SALT LAKE, Utah – Family members of Felix Anthony Calata, who on Saturday smashed police officer David Romrell with the South Salt Lake Police Department, issued a letter to Romrell's wife, in which they expressed their sympathy and their condolences.

Calata was shot dead after the police announced that he had crushed Romrell, who was answering a burglary call.

The family members, who identified themselves in the letter as a former brother and sister-in-law of Calata, said that he was plunged into a downward spiral for many years.

The letter explained how shocked family members were when they heard that Calata was dead and that Romrell was crushed. But instead of thinking about Calata, "their energy the whole family focused on your husband. [Romrell] and your family."

The letter can be read below:

"An open letter to Ms. Romrell, the ex-brother and sister-in-law of the man who killed your husband.

"The Thanksgiving weekend ended for us like most families, we were together like a family, nieces, nephews, brothers and sisters and in-laws!" With lots of laughs, new memories and bellies full of turkey , Thanksgiving 2018 was a good time.

"Saturday night, we went to bed like any other night, when suddenly our sister's cries, screams, and cries tore up our peaceful home." Felix, is dead! "She shouted, we still did not know the details of what had happened, but we knew that Felix had been in a downward spiral for a long time now, we knew it was not the same person who had started to to visit my sister 12 years ago who was romantic and funny.

"After many clashes with the law and disappointments, my sister decided to leave her husband and take their two children to Texas to be safe." She has not heard from her since. months and when she received this phone call in the middle of the night, her heart broke for her children, only 6 and 10 years old.

"On the other hand, soon after, we heard about your husband, a good man who served his country, badly injured and fighting for his life.All the energy of our family immediately focused on your husband and your family, we prayed for his life, so that God could spare him from this senseless act, it was useless and your husband, a man who had a newborn at home, Who, went to work that day, just like he did another day, never came back.

"I'm calling Manuel Alejandro Lopez and David Romrell is my arms brother.Me too, I'm a naval veteran and it hurts me to see a brother fall that way." We want to reach out and you know, we are with you, we know that what Felix has done is inexcusable, his mental illness has triumphed over us and we have never recovered. Felix are here in the room as I write this and they are also innocent lives that We want you and your baby to know that our sister and our family will take care of raising them, knowing that your husband is the "good guy! Your husband has died as a hero, our niece and nephew don You do not have to know the awful things that their father has done but they will honor your husband.

"We are all heartbroken and we suffer because if we need something from us to help you find peace, do not hesitate to contact us." Your precious baby does not deserve to stay without father, we are sorry for your loss.

"As this Thanksgiving weekend ends, we hope everyone will remain grateful to their families, police and military!

Claudia & Manuel Lopez
Semper Fi brother Romrell "


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