The family of Botham Jean says the warrant is part of a smear campaign against a killed man


Officer Amber Guyger fired two shots at Jean after she mistakenly entered her apartment complex where she also resided, police said.

The assassination on 6 September angered the population across the country, sparked demonstrations and demanded more transparency in the investigation.

Hundreds of people gathered Thursday to pay homage to the beloved Saint Lucia. A search warrant was made public for his apartment. The document indicates that officers found several items in the apartment, including two fire cartridges, a metal marijuana mill and 10.4 grams of marijuana.

The search warrant indicates that officers went into the apartment looking for drugs the night of Jean's death, said his mother, Allison Jean, at a Friday press conference with his lawyers. She accused the authorities of defaming her son.

"Investigators from the Dallas Police Department were particularly interested in looking for information that could help to murder his character," said lawyer Lee Merritt to reporters.

"Twenty-six years on this earth, he lived his life spotless.It was murdered by a Dallas policeman for Botham Jean to suddenly become a criminal."

The document does not indicate who belonged to the articles. It is unclear whether a search warrant was also executed at the agent's apartment.

CNN called Guyger's lawyer, but did not get an answer, and sought comments from the Dallas County Attorney's Office and the Texas Rangers.

"I call Dallas officials … please, be clean. Give me justice for my son because he does not deserve what he's got." "said Allison Jean.

In Botham Jean's apartment

A CNN team visited Jean's apartment on Friday, where a small memorial of flowers and a photo with his mother adorn the front door.

Several books were scattered around the unit, including "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis, who was on Jean's bedside table. Some dishes were left in the kitchen sink and a bowl filled with identification badges, keys and banknotes covered the counter.

There were some signs of shooting: blood on the ground and a bullet hole in a wall identified by evidence scoring more than 6 feet tall.

Protests and tributes for a loving son

The protesters interrupted a session of Dallas City Council this week, demanding answers to Jean's death.

Hundreds of people pay tribute to Botham Jean, who shared his love and joy with everyone. before the murder of the police

From Saint Lucia to a small Christian university in Arkansas and the offices of PricewaterhouseCoopers in Texas, the 26-year-old was known to be a loving son and brother, a hard worker and a powerful singer who loved helping others.

In 2016, he graduated with a degree in Accounting and Management Information Systems at Harding University, where his family claimed to have convinced the Arkansas School to send Students in St. Lucia during the summer.

"He was the light, he did not look at color, he loved everyone," said Minister Michael Griffin of the Singing Hills Church of Christ.

"He was a person who would give you the shirt of his back, and his only purpose in life was to make humanity better, just to make you a better person, a better human."

Officer charged

Guyger was charged with manslaughter in the murder and has since been released on bail of $ 300,000.

The deadly shootout occurred at the South Side Flats in Dallas, where Guyger and Jean both lived. His apartment is directly under Jean's. Jean was alone at home when Guyger, still in uniform after his shift, came into his apartment, said Dallas Police Chief Ulysha Renee Hall.

This is an essential truth on the set of Dallas

The door of the apartment was slightly ajar while Guyger was trying to use his key, equipped with a microchip, according to a statement by arrest. When she was able to open the door, she saw that the interior was almost completely dark. Guyger described seeing a tall figure and drawing his gun, thinking that a burglar was in his apartment. She said that Jean had ignored his verbal orders, and she fired two shots, hitting him once on the chest, the affidavit said.

The Texas Rangers are taking care of John's death investigation to "eliminate the appearance of potential bias," police said.

Dallas County District Attorney Faith Johnson has said that the manslaughter charge against Guyger could be improved when his office submits the case to a grand jury.

Lauren Leslie and Marlena Baldacci from CNN contributed to this report.

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