The famous Iowa golfer has been stabbed to death, homeless accused of murder


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A homeless man was charged with first degree murder when stabbed by a former female golfer at Iowa State University, whose body was found in a body of water on a property. Monday morning golf.

Celia Barquin Arozamena's body was found at Coldwater Golf Links, about two miles from the university, after golfers spotted a golf bag with no one around and called the police to investigate. Ames police commander Geoff Huff said Barquin Arozamena, 22, a solo golf player, had injuries to his head, neck and upper body.

Police found the suspect, Collin Daniel Richards, in a wooded area where he lived, not far from the golf course, Huff said. The police found out after another person in the woods told them that Richards "had made statements about wanting to rape and kill women," Huff said. He added that Barquin Arozamena and Richards had no known relationship.

Richards had scratches in his face and a cut in his hand, as well as bloody clothes and a knife in his backpack, Huff said.

On Tuesday, Richards appeared before a judge, where a state prosecutor said the killing was a "random act of violence," according to the WHO. Richards' bond was set at $ 5 million, according to police records. His next hearing is scheduled for September 28th. Huff said the police had had "meetings with him in the past", but she did not go into details.

Image: Spanish golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena with the winner's trophy at the Women's European Amateur Championship at Penati Golf Resort, Slovakia
Spanish golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena won the Amateur Women's European Championship trophy at Penati Golf Resort, Slovakia.EGA / EPA file

Barquin Arozamena, of Puente San Miguel, Spain, was completing a degree in Civil Engineering at the State University of Iowa and had just completed a successful student career, according to a statement from the school.

Image: Collin Daniel Richards
Collin Daniel Richards, who was arrested and charged with first degree murder on the death of Celia Barquin Arozamena, in Ames, Iowa on Tuesday.Story County Sheriff / EPA

"We are all devastated," said Iowa chief golf coach Christie Martens. "Celia was a wonderful person who was loved by all her teammates and friends, she loved Iowa State and was an exceptional representative for our school, and we will never forget her commitment to being the best and her passion for life. . "

Barquin Arozamena completed his career in the state of Iowa with his fourth consecutive appearance in the NCAA region. This summer, she qualified for the American Women's Open, according to

"This is a tragic and senseless loss of a talented young woman and a recognized student athlete," said Wendy Wintersteen, president of Iowa State University. "We are crying with her family and friends in Spain, her teammates here and all who knew her.

"Celia had a contagious smile, a bubbly personality and everyone who was lucky enough to know her was blessed," said Jamie Pollard, Iowa Sports Director.

The Iowa State Women's Golf Team pulled out of a competition at the East & West Match Play in Ann Arbor, Michigan, to return to Ames and "share with their friends and Facebook page". said. The team won the semifinal on Monday and had to face UC Davis in the final on Tuesday.

Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced, but Barquin Arozamena will be honored at a football match at Iowa State University on Saturday.

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