The fastest camera in the world is running at 10 trillion frames per second


In short: The researchers have developed what they call the fastest camera in the world. Nicknamed the T-CUP, it can capture 10,000 billion frames per second, allowing it to "freeze time" and see the light in slow motion.

Researchers from the National Institute of Scientific Research at the University of Quebec (INRS) and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) began by studying compressed ultra-fast photography (CUP), capable of capturing images at about 100 billion frames per second. T-CUP enhances this technique because it is based on a femtosecond scanning camera (a quadrillion-second) that also incorporates a type of data acquisition, commonly used in applications such as tomography.

"We knew that using only a femtosecond scanning camera, the quality of the image would be limited," says Professor Lihong Wang, Bren's professor of medial and electrical engineering at Caltech and director of the lab Optical Imaging Caltech (COIL). "To improve this, we added another camera that acquires a static image. In combination with the image acquired by the femtosecond scanning camera, we can use what is called a radon transformation to get high quality images while recording ten trillion dollars per second. "

The new camera was able to capture in real time the time focus of a single femtosecond laser pulse, a process recorded in 25 frames taken at an interval of 400 femtoseconds. He described the shape, intensity and angle of inclination of the light pulse.

"This new camera literally freezes the time to see the phenomena – and even the light – extremely slowly," said lead author Jinyang Liang. "Although some measures are possible, nothing beats a clear picture."

"It's a feat in itself, but we're already seeing opportunities to increase speed to a quadrillion (1015) images per second! "

Now that it has set a world record for real-time imaging speed, T-CUP is expected to equip a new generation of microscopes for medical and other applications.

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